Pitanje br. 10284
Ponovno uvođenje brenda


  1. Rebranding ; brand ; branding // Leksikon marketinga / urednik Jozo Previšić. Zagreb : Ekonomski fakultet, 2011 - sign. 339(03) /LEK/

  2. Vrijednost za potrošače u dinamičnom okruženju = Customer value in a dynamic environment / urednici Bruno Grbac, Marcel Meler. Rijeka : Ekonomski fakultet : CROMAR - Hrvatska zajednica udruga za marketing, 2008 - sign. 339.1 /VRI/   OP

  3. Vranešević, Tihomir: Upravljanje markama = (Brand management). Zagreb : Accent, 2007 - sign. 658 /VRA/ u

Članci u časopisima:

  1. Huzak, Sandra: Stvaranje nove marke turističke destinacije : primjer Hrvatske = Rebranding of a tourist destination : an example of Croatia // Acta turistica nova. - 3 (2009), 2 ; str. 227-268

EBSCO Host (pristup u GISKO ili putem CARNet Centra za online baze - proxy):

  1. Siegel, David, et al. "How should Rachel relaunch her upgraded, Internet-friendly product line? What role should the Web site play?." Harvard Business Review 77, no. 2 (March 1999): 28-35. Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed October 15, 2015).

Google Scoler:

  1. Hitsch, G. An Empirical Model of Optimal Dynamic Product Launch and Exit Under Demand Uncertainty. // Marketing Science 25(1), pp. 25–5

  2. Dibie, Victor Monday. Marketing Strategies: Rebranding as a Means of Redeeming Cooperate

    Image of a Product and Organization
    . // Journal of Business and Organizational Development Volume 5, Number 1, 2013

  3. Tomasz Kimberley. Rebranding to redefine international brand identity – A case study to  evaluate the success of Sonera’s rebranding. Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences, 2012.

Izvori na internetu (16.10.2015.):

  1. Business Case Studies. No 7 - the relaunch of a brand. - Dostupno na: http://businesscasestudies.co.uk/boots/no-7-the-relaunch-of-a-brand/introduction.html#axzz3ojhugqbB

  2. Ovidiu Ioan Moisescu. Aspects regarding rebranding strategies - A conceptual and practical approach. MPRA Paper No. 32016, posted 4. July 2011 - Dostupno na: https://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/32016/1/MPRA_paper_32016.pdf

  3. ReBrand. The Top 20 Mistakes Marketers Make When Rebranding — And How to Avoid Them. - Dostupno na: http://www.rebrand.com/stuff/contentmgr/files/8132c23e437cbdad2e5f4206e9f782c8/miscdocs/top_20_rebrand_mistakes.pdf

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Marke proizvoda -- Marketing