Pitanje br. 10380
Suvremene ovisnosti kod mladih danas i njihova prevencija


  1. Miliša, Zlatko: Šok današnjice. Osijek : Filozofski fakultet, 2015. - sign. 316.7 /MIL/ š

  2. Zuckerman Itković, Zora: Ovisnosti suvremenog doba : strast i muka : oblici ovisnosti : opsjednutost seksom, cyber ovisnost, igre na sreću, opsjednutost hranom, nekontrolirano kupovanje, opsjednutost športom, radoholičarstvo, alkoholizam. Zagreb : Školska knjiga, 2010. - sign. 613.8 /ZUC/ o

  3. Lacković-Grgin, Katica: Psihologija adolescencije. Jastrebarsko : Naklada Slap, 2006 [i. e.] 2005. - sign. 159.92(075.8) /LAC/ p

  4. Conger, John: Mladenaštvo : život pod pritiskom. Zagreb : Globus, 1986. - sign. 159.92 /CON/ m

  5. Davison, Gerald C.: Psihologija abnormalnog doživljavanja i ponašanja. Jastrebarsko : Naklada Slap, 2002. - sign. 159.97 /DAV/ p

  6. Brlas, Siniša: Važno je ne započeti : neki temeljni pojmovi psihologije ovisnosti. Virovitica : Zavod za javno zdravstvo "Sveti Rok" Virovitičko-podravske županije, 2010. - sign. 613.8 /BRL/ v OP

  7. Ausfelder, Trude: Jaki bez droge. Zagreb : Mozaik knjiga, 2004. - sign. 613.8 /AUS/ j

  8. Sakoman, Slavko: Čiste glave bez cuge i trave : priručnik za tinejdžere. Zagreb : SysPrint, 2002. - sign. 613.8 /SAK/ č

Članci u časopisima:

  1. Bilić, Vesna; Gjukić, Damjan; Kirinić, Giovana: Mogući učinci igranja računalnih igrica i videoigara na djecu i adolescente. // Napredak. - 151 (2010), 2 ; str. 195-213

  2. Sakoman, Slavko: Raširenost zlouporabe sredstava ovisnosti među hrvatskim srednjoškolcima. // Društvena istraživanja. - 11 (2002), 2-3(58-59); str. 311-334

  3. Kuzman Marina: Eksperimentiranje adolescenata sa sradstvima ovisnosti. // Paediatria Croatica. - 54 (2010) , suppl 1 ; str. 94-101

  4. Rončević, Dobrica: Procjena rizika od ovisnosti kod adolescenata. // Alcoholism. - 44 (2008) ; str. 116-116

Google Scholar:

  1. Kimberly Young. Understanding Online Gaming Addiction and Treatment Issues for Adolescents. // The American Journal of Family Therapy. Volume 37, Issue 5, 2009

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EBSCO Host (pristup u GISKO ili putem CARnet Centra za online baze - proxy):

  1. Beard, Keith W. "Internet Addiction: A Review of Current Assessment Techniques and Potential Assessment Questions." Cyberpsychology & Behavior 8, no. 1 (February 2005): 7-14. Academic Search Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed October 30, 2015).

  2. Leung, Louis. "Net-Generation Attributes and Seductive Properties of the Internet as Predictors of Online Activities and Internet Addiction." Cyberpsychology & Behavior 7, no. 3 (June 2004): 333-348. Academic Search Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed October 30, 2015).

  3. Huang, Xiuqin, et al. "Mental Health, Personality, and Parental Rearing Styles of Adolescents with Internet Addiction Disorder." Cyberpsychology, Behavior & Social Networking 13, no. 4 (August 2010): 401-406. Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed October 30, 2015).

  4. Floros, Georgios, and Konstantinos Siomos. "Patterns of Choices on Video Game Genres and Internet Addiction." Cyberpsychology, Behavior & Social Networking 15, no. 8 (August 2012): 417-424. Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed October 30, 2015).

  5. Tsitsika, Artemis, et al. "Internet Addictive Behavior in Adolescence: A Cross-Sectional Study in Seven European Countries." Cyberpsychology, Behavior & Social Networking 17, no. 8 (August 2014): 528-535. Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed October 30, 2015).

  6. Rehbein, Florian, et al. "Prevalence and Risk Factors of Video Game Dependency in Adolescence: Results of a German Nationwide Survey." Cyberpsychology, Behavior & Social Networking 13, no. 3 (June 2010): 269-277. Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed October 30, 2015).

UDK pojmovi: 
159.97 Psihopatologija

Ovisnosti -- Osnovni pojmovi, Adolescentna psihijatrija