Pitanje br. 10432
Europski identitet i film


  1. Banovac, Boris. Otvorena pitanja europskog identiteta // Etničnost i stabilnost Europe u 21. stoljeću : položaj i uloga Hrvatske. Zagreb : Institut za migracije i narodnosti : Jesenski i Turk : Hrvatsko sociološko društvo, 2002 ; str 173-185 - sign. 323.1 /ETN/

Članci u časopisima:

  1. Sršen, Andreja. Konstrukcija europskog identiteta - prilog prepoznavanju upitnog konteksta. // Međunarodne studije. - 13 (2013.), 2 ; str. 27-43

  2. Ivana Keser Battista. Suvremeni europski igrani film: konteksti i tendencije. // Hrvatski filmski ljetopis. - 76 (2012), 1 ; str. 77-92

  3. Kulaš, Vanja. Dani europskog filma 2012: Ne odveć originalno propitivanje fragilnosti identiteta. // Hrvatski filmski ljetopis. - 70 (2012) ; str. 168-172

  4. Vujadinović, Dragica. O europskom identitetu = On European identity // Synthesis philosophica. - 26 (2011), 1(51) ; str. 117-132

  5. Božić-Vrbančić, Senka; Vrbančić, Mario; Orlić, Olga. European Media Programme: The Role of 'Language' and 'Visual Images' in the Processes of Constructing European Culture and Identity // Collegium Antropologicum. - 32 (2008), 4 ; str. 1013-1022

EBSCO Host (pristup u GISKO ili putem CARnet Centra za online baze - proxy):

  1. LOSHITZKY, YOSEFA. "Screening strangers in Fortress Europe and beyond." Crossings: Journal Of Migration & Culture 5, no. 2/3 (October 2014): 187-199. SocINDEX with Full Text, EBSCOhost (accessed November 5, 2015).

  2. S. Božić-Vrbančić et al.: 'Language' and 'Visual Images' in European Culture and Identity, Coll. Antropol. 32 (2008) 4: 1013–1022

Google Books:

  1. The Europeanness of European cinema : identity, meaning, globalization. / Mary Harrod; Mariana Liz; Alissa Timoshkina. London : I.B. Tauris, 2015. ©2015.

Izvori na internetu (05.11.2015.):

  1. European Identity in Cinema. / Edited by Wendy Everett. Bristol : Intellect Books, 2005 - Dostupno na:

  2. Wim Wenders: Image and identity of Europe : the role of cinema and film literacy. - Dostupno na: http://www.mediadesk-vlaanderen.eu/files/WW_speach_EU_Parlament_101027.pdf

  3. Temenuga Trifonova. Code Unknown : European Identity in Cinema. - Dostupno na: http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/scope/documents/2007/may-2007/trifonova.pdf

  4. Film Policies within the EU: Building a Common European Identity - Dostupno na: http://uaces.org/documents/papers/0901/liz.pdf

  5. European Film, European Heritage, European Identity - Dostupno na: http://www.whiterose.ac.uk/studentships/european-film-european-heritage-european-identity/

  6. Zapanik, Kamil Jan (2014) Reframing the European other: the cinematic portrayal of the other in contemporary French and German film and the problem of European identity. PhD thesis, Birkbeck, University of London. - Dostupno na: http://bbktheses.da.ulcc.ac.uk/91/1/cp_Publicversion-2014ZapasnikKJphdBBK.pdf

UDK pojmovi: 
316 Sociologija, 791 Kinematografija. Film

Europska kultura -- Pitanje identiteta, Filmska umjetnost