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Elektronički informacijski sustavi u referentnoj službi


  1. Referral service // International encyclopedia of information and library science. London ; New York : Routledge, cop. 2003. - sign. 02(03) /INT/

  2. Reference and information services : an introduction / general editors Richard E. Bopp, Linda C. Smith. Englewood : Libraries Unlimited, cop., 2001. - sign. 025 /REF/   AC

  3. Chowdhury, Gobinda G. Introduction to modern information retrieval. London : Facet Publishing, 2004. - sign. 02 /CHO/ i

  4. Deegan, Marilyn. Digital futures : strategies for the information age. London : Library Association Publishing, 2002 - sign. 025 /DEE/ d

  5. Stojanovski, Jadranka. Online baze podataka : priručnik za pretraživanje : najvažnije svjetske baze podataka dostupne hrvatskoj akademskoj i istraživačkoj zajednici. Zagreb : CARNet, [2007] - sign. 004 /STO/ o OP e-ver.

  6. Dani specijalnog knjižničarstva Hrvatske (4 ; 2002 ; Opatija). Specijalne knjižnice - izvori i korištenje znanja : zbornik radova. Zagreb : Hrvatsko knjižničarsko društvo, 2003. - sign. 02 /DAN/ s

  7. Lee, Stuart D. Building an electronic resource collection : a practical guide. London : Library Association Publishing, 2002. - sign. 02 /LEE/ b   BDI

  8. Electronic resources and services in sci-tech libraries / editors Mary C. Schlembach, William H. Mischo. New York ; London ; Oxford : The Haworth Information Press, 2002 - sign. 025 /ELE/

  9. Chapman, Liz. Managing acquisitions in library and information services. London : Facet Publishing, 2004 - sign. 025 /CHA/ m    BDI

  10. Integrating print and digital resources in library collections / Audrey Fenner. Binghamton : Haworth Information Press, cop. 2006 - sign. 02 /INT/    BDI

Članci u časopisima:

  1. Bosančić, Boris. Online referentne usluge : pregled razvoja u teoriji i praksi // Vjesnik bibliotekara Hrvatske. - 53 (2010), 1 ; str. [64]-86

  2. Gašparac, Petra. Značenje i uloga bibliografskih i citatnih baza podataka = The role and relevance of bibliographic citation databases // Biochemia medica. - 16 (2006), 2 ; str. 93-102

Izvori na internetu (27.12.2015.):

  1. Mary Helen Fagan. Web-enabled Information and Referral Services : A Framework for Analysis. // Informing Science Group Technologies Volume 5 No. 1, 2000

EBSCO Host (pristup u GISKO ili NSK Portala elektroničkih izvora):

  1. Haar, John M. The Politics of Information: Libraries & Online Retrieval Systems. // Library Journal, 02/01/86, Vol. 111 Issue 2, p40

  2. Halliday, S. Electronic resources and academic library budgets: the PURCEL dimension. // Information Services & Use, 2001, Vol. 21 Issue 3/4, p151

  3. West Jr., Lawrence A. "Private Markets for Public Goods: Pricing Strategies of Online Database Vendors." Journal Of Management Information Systems 17, no. 1 (Summer2000 2000): 59-85. Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed March 11, 2015).

  4. Chen, Xiaotian. "Broken-Link Reports from SFX Users: How Publishers, Vendors and Libraries Can Do Better." Serials Review 38, no. 4 (December 2012): 222-227. Academic Search Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed March 11, 2015).

Google Scolar:

  1. Mary Beth Chambers, Mariyam Thohira, and Nancy Sprague. "What's In Your Aggregator?: Content, Currency, and Stability of Full-Text Databases" (2010). Proceedings of the Charleston Library Conference. http://dx.doi.org/10.5703/1288284314820

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