Pitanje br. 10867
Značaj žitarica u borbi protiv gladi u svijetu


  1. Cereals // Encyclopedia of grain science / editors Colin Wrigley, Harold Corke, Charles Walker.  Vol. 1 : [A-F]. Oxford : Elsevier Academic Press, 2004. - sign. 631(031)sv1 /ENC/

Članci u časopisima:

  1. Kovačević, Branko: Problematika proizvodnje hrane i glad u svijetu // Ekonomski pregled. - 54 (2003), 3/4 ; str. 299-323.

  2. Knezović, Katica: Agrogenetički inženjering u suzbijanju siromaštva i gladi u svijetu : moralno-etičke implikacije // Nova prisutnost. - 5 (2007), 3 ; str. 271-286

Google Books:

  1. David E Sahn. The fight against hunger and malnutrition : the role of food, agriculture, and targeted policies.https://books.google.hr/books?id=EUK4CAAAQBAJ&pg=PA430&lpg=PA430&dq=cereals+and+fight+against+malnutrition+pdf&source=bl&ots=_gjZkHJ0Ht&sig=1vjhqgAIlqjtkAa75gEPXYQpwAo&hl=hr&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjqwdDiwszKAhVEuw8KHRP0DgAQ6AEIOTAD#v=onepage&q=cereals%20and%20fight%20against%20malnutrition%20pdf&f=false: Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2015.

Izvori na internetu (28.01.2016.):

  1. Braidotti, Gio. Science’s fight against hunger. Partners. (2012) - Dostupno na: http://aciar.gov.au/files/node/14656/science_s_fight_against_hunger_12442.pdf

  2. FAO. How to Feed the World in 2050 - Dostupno na: http://www.fao.org/fileadmin/templates/wsfs/docs/expert_paper/How_to_Feed_the_World_in_2050.pdf

  3. Harald Grethe, Assa Dembélé, Nuray Duman. How to feed the world’s growing billions. Berlin : Heinrich Böll Stiftung, 2011 - Dostupno na: https://www.boell.de/sites/default/files/2011-05-How-to-feed-the-Worlds-growing-billions.pdf

  4. Frank Waskow , Regine Rehaag. Globaler Ernährungswandel zwischen Hunger und

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  5. Joseph M. Awika. Major Cereal Grains Production and Use around the World. In Advances in Cereal Science: Implications to Food Processing and Health Promotion. American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011. - Dostupno na: http://pubs.acs.org/doi/pdf/10.1021/bk-2011-1089.ch001

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Agroekonomika, 63 Poljoprivreda i šumarstvo

Žitarice -- Uzgoj, Ekonomika poljoprivrede