Pitanje br. 11006
Social, economical and cultural rights


  1. The Oxford handbook of legal studies / edited by Peter Cane and Mark Tushnet. Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2003. - sign. 34 /OXF/

  2. Langley, Winston. Encyclopedia of human rights issues since 1945. Westport : Greenwood Press, 1999. - sign. 342.7(03) /LAN/ e

  3. Tagung der Oesterreichischen Juristenkommission (20 ; 1993 ; Weissenbach am Attersee). Grundrechte in Europa. Wien : Verlag Oesterreich : Oesterreichische Staatsdruckerei, 1995. - sign. 342.7 /TAG/ g    AČ

  4. Marochini, Maša. Socio-economic dimension of the European Convention on Human Rights : should there be limits to the European Court of Human Rights reading significant socio-economic elements into Convention rights? Rijeka : Faculty of Law, 2013. - sign. 342.7 /MAR/ s

Izvori na internetu (09.03.2016.):

  1. UN. International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights - Dostupno na: http://www.ohchr.org/Documents/ProfessionalInterest/cescr.pdf

  2. HR. Economic, Social and Cultural Rights Handbook for National Human Rights Institutions - Dostupno na: http://www.ohchr.org/Documents/Publications/training12en.pdf

  3. Michael Krennerich. Economic, social and cultural rights - from hesitant recognition to extraterritorial applicability - Dostupno na: http://menschenrechte.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Article-by-Michael-Krennerich.pdf

  4. François Gianviti. Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the International Monetary Fund. - Dostupno na: https://www.imf.org/external/np/leg/sem/2002/cdmfl/eng/gianv3.pdf

  5. AI - USA. ECONOMIC, SOCIAL AND CULTURAL RIGHTS: Questions and Answers - Dostupno na: http://www.amnestyusa.org/pdfs/escr_qa.pdf

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