Pitanje br. 11615
Prostorni problem u trgovini


  1. Knego, Nikola. Lokacija suvremene trgovine. // Ekonomika trgovine / Zdenko Segetlija... [et al.] Zagreb : Novi informator, 2011. - sign. 339(075.8) /EKO/

  2. Segetlija, Zdenko. Trgovinsko poslovanje. Osijek : Ekonomski fakultet, 2006. - sign. 339(075.8) /SEG/ t

  3. Segetlija, Zdenko. Strategija maloprodaje = Retail strategy. Osijek : Ekonomski fakultet, 1999. - sign. 339.3(075.8) /SEG/ s

  4. Struktura i prostorni raspored maloprodajnih kapaciteta Republike Hrvatske u 2004. Zagreb : Hrvatska gospodarska komora, 2007. - sign. 339.3 /STR/   OP

  5. Segetlija, Zdenko. Menadžment trgovinskog poduzeća. Osijek : Ekonomski fakultet, 2010. - sign. 65.01(075.8) /SEG/ m

  6. Segetlija, Zdenko. Menadžment u trgovini. Osijek : Ekonomski fakultet, 2012. - sign. 65.01(075.8) /SEG/ m

  7. Levy, Michael. Retailing management. Chicago [etc.] : Irwin, cop. 1995. - sign. 339.3(075.8)=20 /LEV/ r

  8. Renko, Franjo. Trgovinsko poslovanje. Zagreb : Školska knjiga, 1990. - sign. 658.6/.9(075.3)/ REN/ t

Članci u časopisima:

  1. Segetlija, Zdenko. Razvoj suvremenog menadžmenta trgovine na malo. // Ekonomski vjesnik. - 22 (2009), 1 ; str. 87-92

  2. Sinanagić, Mustafa; Čivić, Beriz. Specifične dimenzije kreiranja strategije marketinga trgovinskih preduzeća. // Tranzicija. - 13 (2011), 27 ; str. 43-59

EBSCO Host (pristup u GISKO ili putem NSK Portala elektroničkih izvora):

  1. Akio, Kishi, Kono Tatsuhito, and Nozoe Yoshitaka. "Location of Retail Stores in City Center and Outskirts under Spatial Price Competition: Improvements in Radial and Ring Roads." Review Of Regional Studies 45, no. 2 (June 2015): 173-194. Academic Search Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed July 11, 2016).

  2. VAN LIN, ARJEN, and ELS GIJSBRECHTS. "Shopper Loyalty to Whom? Chain Versus Outlet Loyalty in the Context of Store Acquisitions." Journal Of Marketing Research (JMR) 51, no. 3 (June 2014): 352-370. Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed July 11, 2016).

  3. Pope, James A., William R. Lane, and Jane Stein. "A Multiple-Attribute Decision Model for Retail Store Location." Southern Business Review 37, no. 2 (Summer2012 2012): 15-25. Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed July 11, 2016).

  4. Newing, Andy, Graham P. Clarke, and Martin Clarke. "Developing and Applying a Disaggregated Retail Location Model with Extended Retail Demand Estimations." Geographical Analysis 47, no. 3 (July 2015): 219-239. Academic Search Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed July 11, 2016).

  5. Durvasula, Srinivas, Subhash Sharma, and J. Craig Andrews. "STORELOC: A Retail Store Location Model Based on Managerial Judgments." Journal Of Retailing 68, no. 4 (Winter92 1992): 420. Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed July 11, 2016).

  6. Mazze, Edward M. "IDENTIFYING THE KEY FACTORS IN RETAIL STORE LOCATION." Journal Of Small Business Management 10, no. 1 (January 1972): 17-20. Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed July 11, 2016).

  7. Brown, Stephen. "Retail Location at the Micro-Scale: Inventory and Prospect." Service Industries Journal 14, no. 4 (October 1994): 542-576. Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed July 11, 2016).

  8. Ghosh, Avijit, and C. Samuel Craig. "Formulating Retail Location Strategy in a Changing Environment." Journal Of Marketing 47, no. 3 (Summer83 1983): 56. Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed July 11, 2016).

  9. Pearson, Michael M., and Lee Mundell. "SPATIAL MODELING WITH SPREADSHEETS: THE EVOLUTION OF A STORE LAYOUT MODEL FOR CLASSROOM USE." Marketing Education Review 8, no. 2 (Summer98 1998): 57-72. Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed July 12, 2016).

Izvori na internetu (11.07.2016.):

  1. Location-Theoretical Traditions and Significant Concepts - Dostupno na: http://faculty.washington.edu/krumme/450/traditions.html

  2. Barbara Dropuljić, Ivan Dodig. Analiza strukture i prostornog rasporeda maloprodajnih  kapaciteta u centru grada Zagreba. Zagreb : Ekonomski fakultet, 2015

  3. Visual Merchandising : Retail Store Design and Layout. ppt - Dostupno na: https://marketmanage.files.wordpress.com/2012/03/vm-ch4-retail-store-design-and-layout.pdf

  4. Chen Li. A Facility Layout Design Methodology for Retail Environments : dissertation. University of Pittsburgh, 2010 - Dostupno na: http://d-scholarship.pitt.edu/9670/1/Dissertation_ChenLi_2010.pdf

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339 Trgovina. Međunarodna ekonomija

Trgovina na malo