Pitanje br. 1253
Percepcija moždanog udara kao hitnog stanja

Demarin, Vida: Klinički put za moždani udar. // Medix. - 16 (2010), 86

Demarin, Vida: Moždani udar - rastući medicinski i socijalno ekonomski problem. // Acta clinica Croatica. Supplement . - 43 (2004), 1 ; str. 9-13

Demarin, Vida: Stroke : a challenge in the diagnosis and therapy. // Acta medica Croatica. - 55 (2001), 4/5 ; str. 145-148.

Haberl, Roman L.: Therapy of acute ischemic stroke // Periodicum biologorum . -  97 (1995), 2 ; str. 145-148.

Palfi, Sandor: Therapeutic approaches in stroke // Periodicum biologorum. - 97 (1995), 2 ; str. 139-143.

Tomljanović, Branka: Prevention of stroke at the level of general practice : experiences from the Zagreb emergency medical center. // Periodicum biologorum. - 97 (1995), 2 ; str. 157-161.  

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616 Patologija. Klinička medicina
