Pitanje br. 12543
Rodni stereotipi


  1. Rod ; rodno stereotipiziranje ; spolne uloge ; stereotipi // Rječnik sociologije / Nicholas Abercrombie, Stephen. Zagreb : Naklada Jesenski i Turk, 2008. - sign. 316(038) /ABE/ r

  2. Gender and sex ; sterotypes // The social science encyclopedia. London ; New York : Routledge, 2003. - sign. 316(03) /SOC/

  3. Gender ; gender roles // Encyclopedia of feminist theories / edited by Lorraine Code. London ; New York : Routledge, 2003. - sign. 316.6(03) /ENC/

  4. Haralambos, Michael. Sociologija : teme i perspektive / Michael Haralambos, Martin Holborn. Zagreb : Golden marketing, 2002. - sign. 316(075.8) /HAR/ s

  5. Giddens, Anthony. Sociologija. Zagreb : Nakladni zavod Globus, 2007. - sign. 316(075.8) /GID/ s

  6. Rodna perspektiva u politici i praksi : priručnik / autorice Sanja Cesar... [et al.]. Zagreb : CESI [i. e.] Centar za edukaciju, savjetovanje i istraživanje, 2005. - sign. 316.6 /ROD/ OP

  7. Ograjšek Gorenjak, Ida. Opasne iluzije : rodni stereotipi u međuratnoj Jugoslaviji. Zagreb : Srednja Europa, 2014. - sign. 316.6 /OGR/ o

  8. Baranović, Branislava. Kojega su roda čitanke iz književnosti? Zagreb : Institut za društvena istraživanja, Centar za istraživanje i razvoj obrazovanja, 2008. - sign. 316.6 /BAR/ k    OP

  9. Kunac, Suzana. Nevinost bez zaštite : "ženska" percepcija medijskih sadržaja. Zagreb : B.a.B.e., 2006. - sign. 316.7 /KUN/ n OP

  10. Uspostavljanje ravnoteže : ravnopravnost spolova u novinarstvu. Zagreb : Vlada RH, Ured za ravnopravnost spolova, 2010. - sign. 070 /USP/ OP

Članci u časopisima:

  1. Lubina, Tihana; Brkić Klimpak, Ivana. Rodni stereotipi : objektivizacija ženskog lika u medijima // Pravni vjesnik. - 30 (2014), 2 ; str. 213-232

  2. Heffer, Hrvoja. Biološka i društvena kategorija roda u rodnoj teoriji i rodna teorija stereotipa // Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje. - 33 (2007 [i.e. 2008]) ; str. 165-175

  3. Kolman, Petra; Tkalac Verčić, Ana. Consumers’ opinions on gender stereotyping in advertising //  Ekonomska istraživanja. - (2012), Spec. Iss. 2 ; str. 117-126

  4. Šikić-Mićanović, Lynette. Negative gendered stereotypes in samples of media in Croatia // Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci. - 24 (2003), 2 ; str. 917-928

HRČAK : portal znanstvenih časopisa Republike Hrvatske:

  1. Rodni stereotipi - rezultat pretraživanja predmetnice "rodni stereotipi"

EBSCO HOst (pristup u GISKO ili puten NSK Portala elektroničkih izvora):

  1. Oberst, Ursula, Andrés Chamarro, and Vanessa Renau. "Gender Stereotypes 2.0: Self-representations of Adolescents on Facebook." Comunicar 24, no. 48 (July 2016): 81-89. Academic Search Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed March 20, 2017).

  2. ŢOCU, Rodica. "THE DYNAMICS GENDER ROLE STEREOTYPES: A STUDY ON CHILDREN IN ROMANIA." Proceedings Of The Scientific Conference AFASES 2, (May 2, 2016): 675-680. Academic Search Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed March 20, 2017).

JSTOR (pristup u GISKO ili puten NSK Portala elektroničkih izvora):

  1. Martin, Carol Lynn, Carolyn H. Wood, and Jane K. Little. "The Development of Gender Stereotype Components." Child Development 61, no. 6 (1990): 1891-904. doi:10.2307/1130845.

  2. Huddy, Leonie, and Nayda Terkildsen. "Gender Stereotypes and the Perception of Male and Female Candidates." American Journal of Political Science 37, no. 1 (1993): 119-47. doi:10.2307/2111526.

Springer Link open accesss:

  1. Weisgram, Erica. The Cognitive Construction of Gender Stereotypes: Evidence for the Dual Pathways Model of Gender Differentiation // Sex roles Volume: 75 Issue 7-8 (2016) ISSN: 0360-0025 Online ISSN: 1573-2762


  1. Alice H. Eagly, Antonio Mladinic. Gender Stereotypes and Attitudes Toward Women and Men // Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 15(4):543-558 · December 1989

Google Scolar:

  1. The handbook of language and gender. / Janet Holmes and Miriam Meyerhoff ed. Maiden ; Oxford : Blackwell Publishing, 2003

  2. Gender Stereotypes : Masculinity and Femininity // Gender: Psychological Perspectives / Linda Brannon. Boston, MA : Allyn & Bacon/Pearson, ©2011.

  3. Vishal K. Gupta, Daniel B. Turban, S. Arzu Wasti and Arijit Sikdar. The Role of Gender Stereotypes in Perceptions of Entrepreneurs and Intentions to Become an Entrepreneur // Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. 33 (2009), 2 ; pages 397–417

  4. UN-HR. Gender stereotypes and Stereotyping and women’s rights.

  5. Gender Stereotypes and the Socialization Process /  prepared by Jivka Marinova.

    EGM/Men-Boys-GE/2003/EP.3 13 October 2003


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316 Sociologija

Rodni stereotipi