Pitanje br. 12591
Usporedba online usluga hrvatskih knjižnica i stranih knjižnica


  1. Roberts, Susan Claire: Managing information services. London : Facet Publishing, 2004. - sign. 02 /ROB/ m

  2. Bradley, Phil. How to use Web 2.0 in your library. London : Facet Publishing, 2008. - sign.  025 /BRA/ h    AC

Članci u časopisima:

  1. Bosančić, Boris: Online referentne usluge : pregled razvoja u teoriji i praksi // Vjesnik bibliotekara Hrvatske. - 53 (2010), 1 ; str. [64]-86.

  2. Bosančić, Boris. Put k povezivanju : usluga Pitajte knjižničara na mrežnim stranicama narodnih knjižnica. // Vjesnik bibliotekara Hrvatske. - 46 (2003), 3/4 ; str.  80-92.

Google Scolar:

  1. Chowdhury Gobinda G. Digital libraries and reference services : present and future. //

    Journal of documentation 58, 3(2002), 258-283.

  2. Horn, Judy. The future is now : reference service for the electronic era. // Crossing the

    divide : proceedings / The 10th National conference of the association of college and research libraries, March 15-18, 2001., Denver, SAD ¢citirano: 2010-01-20£.

Izvori na internetu (28.03.2017.):

  1. Jack M. Maness. Library 2.0 Theory: Web 2.0 and Its Implications for Libraries // Webology, Volume 3, Number 2, June, 2006

  2. Michael E. Casey and Laura C. Savastinuk. Library 2.0 : Service for the next-generation library. // Library Journal, 9/1/2006

  3. Henson, B.; Tomajko, K.G. Electronic reference services: opportunities and challenges // Journal of educational media & library sciences 38, 2(2001), str. 113-121. - Dostupno na: https://smartech.gatech.edu/bitstream/handle/1853/7317/GLA-10-24-00.pdf;jsessionid=E2A2D92F0A97659BADA3DEA13D910442.smart2?sequence=1

  4. Berube, L. Digital reference overview. 2003. - Dostupno na: http://www.ukoln.ac.uk/public/nsptg/virtual/

  5. IFLA Digital Reference Standards Project - Dostupno na: https://www.ifla.org/node/1776

  6. IFLA Digital Reference Guidelines - Dostupno na: https://archive.ifla.org/VII/s36/pubs/drg03.htm

  7. Digital reference services  // DETERMINING THE EFFECTIVENESS OF DIGITAL REFERENCE SERVICES IN SELECTED ACADEMIC LIBRARIES IN MALAYSIA / Wan Ab Kadir, Wan Dollah - Dostupno na: http://dspace.fsktm.um.edu.my/bitstream/1812/198/4/DRS.chap2.pdf

  8. Library services in the digital age : patrons embrace new technologies and would welcome more. But many still want printed books to hold their central place. New York : Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project, 2003 - Dostupno na: http://libraries.pewinternet.org/files/legacy-pdf/PIP_Library%20services_Report_012213.pdf


UDK pojmovi: 
025 Stručne službe u knjižnicama

Knjižnice -- Internet -- Primjena, Knjižnice -- Informacijsko-referentna služba