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Kritične točke parnih sterilizatora - usporedna kontrola biološkim i kemijskim indikatorima


  1. Jabbari, H., Alikhah, H., Sahebkaram Alamdari, N., Behzad, M. N., Mehrabi, E., Borzui, L., & Bakhshian, F. (2012). Developing the Use of Quality Indicators in Sterilization Practices. Iranian Journal of Public Health, 41(7), 64–69.

  2. Von Woedtke, T., & Kramer, A. (2008). The limits of sterility assurance . GMS Krankenhaushygiene Interdisziplinar, 3(3), Doc19.

  3. De Camargo, T. C., Graziano, K. U., Almeida, A. G. C. dos S., Suzuki, K., da Silva, C. B., & Pinto, F. M. G. (2016). Microbiological evaluation of the steam sterilization of assembled laparoscopic instruments . Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem, 24, e2830. http://doi.org/10.1590/1518-8345.1431.2830

Google Scolar:

  1. Spry, Cynthia. Understanding Current Steam Sterilization Recommendations and Guidelines. AORN Journal , Volume 88 , Issue 4 , 537 - 554

  2. Marcel Dion and Wayne Parker. Steam Sterilization Principles. Pharmaceutical Engineering. 13 (2013), 6 ; pp. 1-8

  3. Philip M. Schneider, Robert R. Reich, Steven S. Kirckof, and William G. Foltz. Performance of various steam sterilization indicators under optimum and sub-optimum exposure conditions. American Journal of Infection Control, Vol. 33, No. 5, Sup. 2, June 2005, pp. S55–S67

  4. H Jabbari, H Alikhah, N Sahebkaram Alamdari, M Naghavi Behzad, E Mehrabi, L Borzui, F Bakhshian. Developing the Use of Quality Indicators in Sterilization Practices. Iran J Public Health. 2012; 41(7): 64–69. Published online 2012 July 31.

  5. William A. Rutala, David J. Weber. How to Assess Risk of Disease Transmission to Patients When There Is a Failure to Follow Recommended Disinfection and Sterilization Guidelines. Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology. Vol. 28, No. 2 (February 2007), pp. 146-155

  6. MORIYA, Giovana Abrahão de Araújo  and  GRAZIANO, Kazuko Uchikawa. Sterility Maintenance Assessment of Moist/Wet Material After Steam Sterilization and 30-day Storage. Rev. Latino-Am. Enfermagem [online]. 2010, vol.18, n.4

  7. HIDEHARU SHINTANI. Validation of Sterilization Procedures and Usage of Biological Indicators in the Manufacture of Healthcare Products. Biocontrol Science. Vol. 16 (2011) No. 3 P 85-94

Wiley Online Library - Open Access:

  1. H. Albert, D.J.G. Davies, L.P. Woodson and C.J. Soper. Biological indicators for steam  sterilization : characterization of a rapid biological indicator utilizing Bacillus stearothermophilus   spore-associated alpha-glucosidase enzyme. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 1998, 85, 865–874


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