Pitanje br. 13002
Utjecaj kulturnog kapitala i društvene klase na sportske preferencije


  1. Žugić, Zoran. Sociologija sporta. Zagreb : Fakultet za fizičku kulturu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2000. - sign. 316(075.8) /ŽUG/ s    OP

  2. Međunarodna znanstveno-stručna konferencija Upravljanje slobodnim vremenom sadržajima sporta i rekreacije (2009 ; Zagreb). Upravljanje slobodnim vremenom sadržajima sporta i rekreacije : zbornik radova. Zagreb : Kineziološki fakultet, 2009. - sign. 796 /MEĐ/ u   OP

EBSCO Host (pristup u GISKO ili putem NSK Portala elektroničkih izvora):

  1. Robinson, Matthew J., and Galen T. Trail. "Relationships Among Spectator Gender, Motives, Points of Attachment, and Sport Preference." Journal Of Sport Management 19, no. 1 (January 2005): 58. Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost (accessed June 14, 2017).

JSTOR (pristup u GISKO ili putem NSK Portala elektroničkih izvora):

  1. Nakornkhet, Kasem. "Cultures and Sports Preference." Asian Folklore Studies 48, no. 1 (1989): 107-21. doi:10.2307/1178536.

  2. Washington, Robert E., and David Karen. "Sport and Society." Annual Review of Sociology 27 (2001): 187-212. http://www.jstor.org/stable/2678619.

  3. Eitle, Tamela McNulty, and David J. Eitle. "Race, Cultural Capital, and the Educational Effects of Participation in Sports." Sociology of Education 75, no. 2 (2002): 123-46. doi:10.2307/3090288.

  4. Leary, Mark R., David S. Wheeler, and T. Brant Jenkins. "Aspects of Identity and Behavioral Preference: Studies of Occupational and Recreational Choice." Social Psychology Quarterly 49, no. 1 (1986): 11-18. http://www.jstor.org/stable/2786853.

  5. Farrell, Lisa, and Michael A. Shields. "Investigating the Economic and Demographic Determinants of Sporting Participation in England." Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A (Statistics in Society) 165, no. 2 (2002): 335-48. http://www.jstor.org/stable/3559931.

Google Books:

  1. David Karen, Robert E. Washington. Sociological Perspectives on Sport: The Games Outside the Games. London ; New York : Routledge, 2015

Izvori na internetu (14.06.2017.):

  1. Špehar, Natalija; Gošnik, Jelka; Fučkar Reichel, Ksenija. The Preferences Toward Sports of Students in Institutions of Higher Education. // 5th International Scientific Conference on Kinesiology "Kinesilogy research trends and applications" : proceedings book. Zagreb : Faculty of Kinesiology, 2008, str. 561-565. - Dostupno na: https://bib.irb.hr/datoteka/390752.20085th_Kineziologija-preference_561-565.pdf

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316.7 Sociologija kulture, 796 Sport. Tjelesno vježbanje

Sociologija športa