Pitanje br. 13418
City Logistics - Logistika u gradovima

Članci u časopisima:

  1. Šafran, Mario; Rogić, Kristijan; Đukić, Goran. Significance of Supply Logistic in Big Cities. // Promet-Traffic-Traffico. - 3 (2001.), 6 ; str. 401-404

  2. Kolarić, Goran; Skorić, Luka. Metode distribucije u gradska središta // Tehnički glasnik (Varaždin). - 8 (2014), 4 ; str. 405-412

  3. Županović, Ivo. City logistik : Element des Kombiverkehrs // Suvremeni promet. - 15 (1995), Special issue ; str. 52-54


  1. Eiichi Taniguchi, Russell G. Thompson, Tadashi Yamada, Recent Trends and Innovations in Modelling City Logistics, In Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 125, 2014, Pages 4-14

  2. Nilesh Anand, Hans Quak, Ron van Duin, Lori Tavasszy. City Logistics Modeling Efforts: Trends and Gaps - A Review.  Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 39, 2012, pp. 101-115

  3. Gabriele Schliwa, Richard Armitage, Sara Aziz, James Evans, Jasmine Rhoades, Sustainable city logistics — Making cargo cycles viable for urban freight transport, In Research in Transportation Business & Management, Volume 15, 2015, Pages 50-57

  4. Masson, R., Trentini, A., Lehuédé, F. et al. Optimization of a city logistics transportation system with mixed passengers and goods. EURO J Transp Logist (2017) 6: 81.

  5. Eiichi Taniguchi, Concepts of City Logistics for Sustainable and Liveable Cities, In Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Volume 151, 2014, Pages 310-317

EBSCO Host (pristup u GISKO ili putem NSK Portala elektroničkih izvora):

  1. Tadić, S, Zečević, S, & Krstić, M 2015, 'CITY LOGISTICS - STATUS AND TRENDS', International Journal For Traffic & Transport Engineering, 5, 3, pp. 319-343, Academic Search Ultimate, EBSCOhost, viewed 22 November 2017.

Google Scholar:

  1. City Logistics // Integration of Information and Optimization Models for Routing in City Logistics / J. F. Ehmke (2012), International Series in Operations Research & Management Science 177

  2. A. G. L. Peixoto Neto, M. L. Galves, O. F. Lima Júnior & D. Tacla. Challenges of urban transport problems and city logistics: Sao Paulo city center case. WIT Transactions on The Built Environment, Vol 101, 2008


  1. Lorenzo Ros McDonnell, Sabrina Trafela, Gergely Hódosi, Attila Bódis. Measurements with Traffic Counter in City Logistics in Ljubljana. // Business logistics in modern management [elektronička građa] / XIII. međunarodni znanstveni skup. Osijek : Ekonomski fakultet, 2013.

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