Pitanje br. 13552
Rotacijski i ekscentrični strojevi za tabletiranje


  1. Palmieri GF, Joiris E, Bonacucina G, Cespi M, Mercuri A. Differences between eccentric and rotary tablet machines in the evaluation of powder densification behaviour. Int J Pharm. 2005 Jul 14;298(1):164-75.

Izvori na internetu (20.12.2017.):

  1. Michael Levin. Tablet Press Instrumentation // Encyclopedia of Pharmaceutical Technology. Marcel Dekker, 2002. - Dostupno na: http://www.mcc-online.com/Tablet%20Press%20Instrumentation/Tablet%20Press%20Instrumentation.pdf

  2. Ankur Choudhary. Working and Principle of Tablet Compression Machine - Dostupno na: https://www.pharmaguideline.com/2016/02/principle-of-tablet-compression-machine.html

  3. Gretić, Matij. Utjecaj sastava mješavina na svojstva gotovih tableta : diplomski rad. Zagreb : Fakultet kemijskog inženjerstva i tehnologije, 2016 - Dostupno na: https://zir.nsk.hr/islandora/object/fkit%3A205/datastream/PDF/view

  4. Sagar Savale. Tablet Compression Machine PPT - Dostupno na: https://www.slideshare.net/sagarsavale1/tablet-comp-ashish-sem

  5. Pharmapproach.com Tablet Press - Dostupno na: http://pharmapproach.com/tablet-press/

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