Pitanje br. 13560
Pojedinci kao figure sjećanja


  1. Connerton, Paul. Kako se društva sjećaju. Zagreb : Izdanja Antibarbarus, 200. - sign. 316.6 /CON/ k

  2. Duelmen, Richard van. Otkriće individuuma : 1500. - 1800. Zagreb : Golden marketing - Tehnička knjiga, 2005. - sign. 130.2 /DUE/ o

Članci u časopisima i novinama:

  1. Grgić, Ana; Nikolić, Davor. Antonomazija – figura kulturnoga pamćenja // Fluminensia. - 23 (2011),  2 ; str. 129-142

  2. Bagić, Krešimir. Imena koja (se) pamte // Vijenac. - 8 (2010), br. 423 ; str. 7

JSTOR (pristup u GISKO ili putem NSK Portala elektroničkih izvora):

  1. Jansen, Robert S. "Resurrection and Appropriation: Reputational Trajectories, Memory Work, and the Political Use of Historical Figures." American Journal of Sociology 112, no. 4 (2007): 953-1007. doi:10.1086/508789.

Google Scholar:

  1. Belaj, Marijana and Škrbić Alempijević, Nevena. (2014). Remembering “The Father of the Contemporary State of Croatia”. The Celebration of Tuđman’s Birthday in His Birthplace. Traditiones, 43(1). pp. 79-109

  2. Tim Edensor. National Identity and the Politics of Memory: Remembering Bruce and Wallace in Symbolic Space. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space. Vol 15, Issue 2, pp. 175 - 194

  3. Martin Sökefeld. Debating Self, Identity and Culture in Anthropology. Current Anthropology Volume 40, Number 4, August–October 1999

UDK pojmovi: 
316.6 Socijalna psihologija, 930.85 Kulturna povijest

Sjećanje -- Sociopsihološki aspekti