Pitanje br. 13819
Križobolja u trudnoći


  1. Schuster, Snježana. Mišićno-koštani sustav u trudnoći // Mehanički uzrokovana križobolja / Antun Jurinić i suradnici. Zagreb : Hrvatski zbor fizioterapeuta, 2001. - sign. 616.7 /JUR/ m    OP

Članci u časopisima:

  1. Šangulin, Jerolima. Trudnoće i križobolja // Fizikalna i rehabilitacijska medicina. - 22 (2008), 1/2 ; str. 69-73

ResearchGate (19.03.2018.):

  1. Katonis, P & Kampouroglou, Alkisti & Aggelopoulos, A & Kakavelakis, Kyriakos & Lykoudis, S & Makrigiannakis, A & Alpantaki, Kalliopi. (2011). Pregnancy-related low back pain. Hippokratia. 15. 205-10.

  2. Casagrande, Danielle & Gugala, Zbigniew & M. Clark, Shannon & Lindsey, Ronald. (2015). Low Back Pain and Pelvic Girdle Pain in Pregnancy. The Journal of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. 23. 10.5435/JAAOS-D-14-00248.

  3. Joã O Mota, Maria & Cardoso, Mirtha & Carvalho, Andreia & Marques, Alda & Sá-Couto, Pedro & Demain, Sara. (2014). Women's experiences of low back pain during pregnancy. Journal of back and musculoskeletal rehabilitation. 28. 10.3233/BMR-140527.

  4. Bishop, A & Holden, Melanie & Ogollah, Reuben & Foster, N.E.. (2015). Current management of pregnancy-related low back pain: A national cross-sectional survey of UK physiotherapists. Physiotherapy. 101. 10.1016/j.physio.2015.02.003.

EBSCO Host (pristup u GISKO ili putem NSK Portala elektroničkih izvora):

  1. Gibson, L 2017, 'Pregnancy Related Low Back Pain', International Journal Of Childbirth Education, 32, 1, pp. 27-29, CINAHL with Full Text, EBSCOhost, viewed 19 March 2018.

  2. Waterfield, J, Bartlam, B, Bishop, A, Holden, M, Barlas, P, & Foster, N 2015, 'Physical Therapists' Views and Experiences of Pregnancy-Related Low Back Pain and the Role of Acupuncture: Qualitative Exploration', Physical Therapy, 95, 9, pp. 1234-1243, CINAHL with Full Text, EBSCOhost, viewed 19 March 2018.

  3. Kurup, V, Kurup, V, Jayasree, T, & Felix, A 2012, 'Low back pain in pregnancy -- incidence & risk factors', Indian Journal Of Physiotherapy & Occupational Therapy, 6, `2, pp. 133-137, CINAHL with Full Text, EBSCOhost, viewed 19 March 2018.

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615.8 Fizioterapija. Ostali nemedicinski terapijski postupci

Križobolja, Trudnice