Pitanje br. 13877
Art terapija pokretom


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Članci u časopisima:

  1. Moutsopoulos, E. Kretanje zvukova, tijela i duša [Platon, Zakoni VII. 790e i d.]. = Motions of sounds, bodies, and souls [Plato, Laws VII. 790e ff.] //  Prolegomena.- 1 (2002), 2 ; str. 113 - 119. 

  2. Petaros, A. Ples u medicinskoj tradiciji.  // Acta Medico-Historica Adriatica. - 4 (2006), 2 ; str. 277 - 288 .

  3. Martinec, Renata. Dance movement therapy in the concept of expressive arts-therapy // Hrvatska revija za rehabilitacijska istraživanja. - 49 (2013), Supplement ; str. 143-153

Google Scholar:

  1. Pratt, Rosalie Rebollo. Art, dance, and music therapy. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinics , Volume 15 , Issue 4 , 827 - 841

  2. Meekums B, Karkou V, Nelson EA. Dance movement therapy for depression (Protocol). The Cochrane Library. 2012, issue 6

UDK pojmovi: 
615.8 Fizioterapija. Ostali nemedicinski terapijski postupci

Kreativna terapija