Pitanje br. 14212
Odnos i suradnja fizioterapeuta i sportaša; stavovi i znanja sportaša o ulozi fizioterapeuta u sportskom klubu


  1. Ortopedsko traumatološko športsko društvo. Simpozij (2 ; 2001 ; Zagreb). Zbornik radova. Zagreb : Hrvatski zbor fizioterapeuta, 2001. - sign. 617.3 /ORT/ z

  2. Jajić, Ivo. Specijalna fizikalna medicina. Zagreb : Školska knjiga, 1991. - sign. 615.8(075.8) /JAJ/ s

  3. Heimer, Stjepan. Medicina sporta. Zagreb : Kineziološki fakultet, 2006. - sign. 61(075.8) /HEI/ m

  4. Medved, Radovan. Sportska medicina. Zagreb : Jugoslavenska medicinska naklada, 1980. - sign. 61(075.8) /MED/ s

Članci u časopisima:

  1. Domac, Vladimir. Principi fizioterapije u sportskoj medicini // Medix. - 5 (1999), 23 ; str. 40-42

Google Books:

  1. Routledge Handbook of Sports Therapy, Injury Assessment and Rehabilitation / Keith Ward ed.  London ; New York : Routledge, 2016.

  2. Mahmut Nedim Doral. Sports injuries prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation. Berlin Heidelbereg Springer 2012

  3. Paul Comfort; Earle Abrahamson. Sports Rehabilitation and Injury Prevention. New York, NY John Wiley & Sons 2010

Izvori na internetu (29.06.2018.):

  1. Sport Medicine Information. Physiotherapy and Sport -Dostupno na: http://www.nsmi.org.uk/articles/physiotherapy/physiotherapy-sport.html

  2. Bulley, C., Donaghy, M., Coppoolse, R., Bizzini, M., van Cingel, R., DeCarlo, M., Dekker, L., Grant, M., Meeusen, R., Phillips, N., & Risberg, M. (2004) Sports Physiotherapy Competencies and Standards. Sports Physiotherapy For All Project. [online] Dostupno na: http://ifspt.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/SPTCompetenciesStandards-final-draft.pdf

  3. T le Roux. The importance of a physiotherapist in the management of sport teams. // High Performance Services: Physiotherapy - Dostupno na: http://www.up.ac.za/media/shared/578/ZP_Files/phys-the-importance-of-a-physiotherapist-in-the-management-of-sport-teams.zp40357.pdf


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615.8 Fizioterapija. Ostali nemedicinski terapijski postupci

Fizioterapija, Športska medicina