Pitanje br. 14280
Kriptovalute, Bitcoin, Blockchain tehnologija


  1. Sajter, Domagoj. Financijska analiza kriptovaluta u odnosu na standardne financijske instrumente // Financije - teorija i suvremena pitanja [elektronička građa]. Osijek : Ekonomski fakultet u Osijeku, 2018. ; str. 277-301

Članci u časopisima:

  1. Turudić, Dominik Antonio; Milić, Josipa; Štulina, Kristijan. Korištenje kriptovaluta u međunarodnom poslovanju. // Zbornik sveučilišta Libertas. - 1-2 (2017), 1-2 ; str. 191.210

  2. Buterin, Denis; Ribarić, Eda; Savić, Suzana. Bitcoin - nova globalna valuta, investicijska prilika ili nešto treće? // Zbornik Veleučilišta u Rijeci. - 3 (2015), 1 ; str. 145-158

  3. Kišić, Alen. Pregled primjene blockchain tehnologije: perspektiva organizacije i menadžmenta. // Zbornik radova Međimurskog veleučilišta u Čakovcu - 9 (2018), 1 ; str. 41-45

  4. Zebec, Saša. Pravna regulacija bitcoina i ostalih virtualnih valuta u nekim neeuropskim zemljama i hrvatskom zakonodavstvu. // Zbornik radova Međimurskog veleučilišta u Čakovcu. - 9 (2018), 1 ; str. 87-91

  5. Zebec, Saša. Bitcoin - pravna regulacija u Europskoj uniji i domaćem zakonodavstvu. // Zbornik radova Međimurskog veleučilišta u Čakovcu. - 9 (2018), 1 ; str. 93-97

EBSCO Host (pristup u GISKO ili putem NSK Portala elektroničkih izvora):

  1. Weaver, N 2018, 'Risks of Cryptocurrencies: Considering the inherent risks of cryptocurrency ecosystems', Communications Of The ACM, 61, 6, pp. 20-24, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 2 August 2018.

  2. GENKIN, D, PAPADOPOULOS, D, & PAPAMANTHOU, C 2018, 'Privacy in Decentralized Cryptocurrencies', Communications Of The ACM, 61, 6, pp. 78-88, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 2 August 2018.

  3. Limón, AT 2018, 'THE WILD, WILD WEST: Understanding Cryptocurrencies and Their Implications on Financial Planning', Journal Of Financial Planning, 31, 6, pp. 24-28, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 2 August 2018.

  4. Shapiro, DC 2018, 'Bitcoin Loans and Other Cryptocurrency Tax Problems', Journal Of Taxation Of Investments, 35, 2, pp. 33-43, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 2 August 2018.

  5. SOMPOLINSKY, Y, & ZOHAR, A 2018, 'Bitcoin's Underlying Incentives', Communications Of The ACM, 61, 3, pp. 45-53, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 2 August 2018.

  6. Halaburda, H 2018, 'Economic and Business Dimensions Blockchain Revolution without the Blockchain?', Communications Of The ACM, 61, 7, pp. 27-29, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 2 August 2018

  7. Neyer, G, & Geva, B 2017, 'Blockchain and payment systems: What are the benefits and costs?', Journal Of Payments Strategy & Systems, 11, 3, pp. 215-225, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 2 August 2018.

Emerald Insight (pristup u GISKO ili putem NSK Portala elektroničkih izvora):

  1. Daniel Conte de Leon, Antonius Q. Stalick, Ananth A. Jillepalli, Michael A. Haney, Frederick T. Sheldon, (2017) "Blockchain: properties and misconceptions", Asia Pacific Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Vol. 11 Issue: 3, pp.286-300, https://doi.org/10.1108/APJIE-12-2017-034

  2. Paolo Tasca, Adam Hayes, Shaowen Liu, (2018) "The evolution of the bitcoin economy: Extracting and analyzing the network of payment relationships", The Journal of Risk Finance, Vol. 19 Issue: 2, pp.94-126, https://doi.org/10.1108/JRF-03-2017-0059

ResearchGate (02.08.2018.):

  1. DeVries, Peter. (2016). An Analysis of Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, and the Future. International Journal of Business Management and Commerce. Vol. 1. Pages 1-9.

  2. Alexander Okhuese Victor. Introducing Cryptocurrency.

Google Scholar:

  1. Cryptocurrencies : beneath the bubble. Chief Investment Office Americas, Wealth Management. 12 October 2017

  2. Introduction to Cryptography and Cryptocurrencies // Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies : A Comprehensive Introduction / Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies. Princeton University Press, 2016

  3. Jonathan Chiu and Thorsten Koeppl. The Economics of Cryptocurrencies – Bitcoin and Beyond. 2017.

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