Pitanje br. 14461
Parodija kao temeljno oblikotvorno načelo u romanu Razmjena Davida Lodgea

Research Gate (16.10.2018.):

  1. Barbara Arizti Martin. David Lodge's Changin Places : the Paradoxes of a Liberal Metahctionist. EPOS, XVI (2000). págs. 293-302

  2. Hosu, Ramona. (Ex)change, Identity, Reality and Meta/fiction. David Lodge's 'Tale'. Studia Universitatis Petru Maior - Philologia;2012, Issue 13, p219

  3. Yusuf Ziyaettin Turan and Tarık Ziyad Gülcü. Changing Places, Changing Moods in David Lodge's Changin Places. Humanities and Social Sciences Review, 3(2):439–442 (2014)

Google Books:

  1. BERGONZI, B. (1995). David Lodge. Plymouth, U.K., Northcote House in association with the British Council.

Izvori na internetu (16.10.2018.):

  1. Lambertsson Björk, Eva. Campus Clowns and the Canon: David Lodge's Campus Fiction.

    Monograph 1993, 139 pp. Department of English, University of Umeå, S-901 87 Umeå, Sweden. - Dostupno na: https://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:868106/FULLTEXT01.pdf

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