Pitanje br. 14639
Korporativno rebrendiranje


  1. Rebranding // Leksikon marketinga / urednik Jozo Previšić. Zagreb : Ekonomski fakultet, 2011. - sign. 339(03) /LEK/

  2. Vranešević, Tihomir: Upravljanje markama. Zagreb : Accent, 2007. - sign. 658 /VRA/ u

  3. Vrijednost za potrošače u dinamičnom okruženju / urednici Bruno Grbac, Marcel Meler. Rijeka : Ekonomski fakultet : CROMAR - Hrvatska zajednica udruga za marketing, 2008. - sign. 339.1 /VRI/   OP

Emerald Insight (pristup u GISKO ili putem NSK Portala elektroničkih izvora):

  1. Angelina Nhat Hanh Le, Julian Ming Sung Cheng, Hadi Kuntjara, Christy Ting-Jun Lin, (2014) "Corporate rebranding and brand preference: Brand name attitude and product expertise as moderators", Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, Vol. 26 Issue: 4, pp.602-620, https://doi.org/10.1108/APJML-10-2013-0120

  2. Helen Stuart, (2018) "Corporate branding and rebranding: an institutional logics perspective", Journal of Product & Brand Management, Vol. 27 Issue: 1, pp.96-100, https://doi.org/10.1108/JPBM-05-2016-1198

  3. Manto Gotsi, Constantine Andriopoulos, (2007) "Understanding the pitfalls in the corporate rebranding process", Corporate Communications: An International Journal, Vol. 12 Issue: 4, pp.341-355, https://doi.org/10.1108/13563280710832506

  4. Laurent Muzellec, Mary Lambkin, (2006) "Corporate rebranding: destroying, transferring or

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Research Gate (07.12.2018.):

  1. Merrilees, Bill & Miller, Dale. (2008). Principles of corporate rebranding. European Journal of Marketing. 42. 10.1108/03090560810862499.

  2. Miller, Dale & Merrilees, Bill & Yakimova, Raisa. (2013). Corporate Rebranding: An Integrative Review of Major Enablers and Barriers to the Rebranding Process. International Journal of Management Reviews. 16. 10.1111/ijmr.12020.

Google Scoler:

  1. Tomasz Kimberley. Rebranding to redefine international brand identity – A case study to  evaluate the success of Sonera’s rebranding. Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences, 2012.

Izvori na internetu (07.12.2018.):

  1. Ovidiu Ioan Moisescu. Aspects regarding rebranding strategies - A conceptual and practical approach. MPRA Paper No. 32016, posted 4. July 2011 - Dostupno na: https://mpra.ub.uni-muenchen.de/32016/1/MPRA_paper_32016.pdf

  2. ReBrand. The Top 20 Mistakes Marketers Make When Rebranding — And How to Avoid Them. - Dostupno na: https://www.enterrasolutions.com/media/docs/2011/10/top_20_rebrand_mistakes.pdf


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Marke proizvoda -- Marketing