Pitanje br. 14833
Patokineziologija hoda - istraživanja


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Research Gate (18.02.2019.):

  1. Abu-Faraj, Ziad & Harris, Gerald & Smith, Peter & Hassani, Sahar. (2015). Human Gait and Clinical Movement Analysis. 10.1002/047134608X.W6606.pub2.

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NCBI - PubMed (19.02.2019.):

  1. Zajac FE, Neptune RR, Kautz SA. Biomechanics and muscle coordination of human walking. Part I: introduction to concepts, power transfer, dynamics and simulations. Gait Posture. 2002 Dec;16(3):215-32.

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Izvori na internetu (19.02.2019.):

  1. Stanford Medicine 25. Gait Abnormalities - Dostupno na: https://stanfordmedicine25.stanford.edu/the25/gait.html

  2. Medline Plus. Walking Problems - Dostupno na: https://medlineplus.gov/walkingproblems.html

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