Pitanje br. 14908
Bajkoviti elementi u romanu Harry Potter i kamen mudraca, J. K. Rowling


  1. Blažević, Josip. Proroci Novoga doba : Paolo Coelho, James Redfield, Joanne K. Rowling, Neale D. Walsch, Gerda Johst. Zagreb : Teovizija, 2001. - sign. 82.09 /BLA/ p  OP

  2. Mikulan, Krunoslav. Kulturni fenomen ili hegemonija istosti? : recepcija serije romana o Harryju Potteru. Zagreb : Tko zna zna, 2011. - sign. 820.09 /MIK/ k  OP

  3. Smith, Sean. J. K. Rowling : biografija. Zagreb ; Sarajevo : Naklada Zoro, 2005. - sign. 820.09 /SMI/ j

  4. Suvin, Darko. Metamorfoze znanstvene fantastike : o poetici i povijesti jednog književnog žanra. Zagreb : Profil, 2010. - sign. 82.0 /SUV/ m

  5. Verdonik, Maja. Odgojni aspekti suvremene književne produkcije za djecu i mladež : Harry

    Potter i čarolija čitanja. // Književnost i odgoj : zbornik : Zagreb, 29. travnja 2003. / priredila Ranka Javor. Zagreb : Knjižnice grada Zagreba, 2004.; str. 47-59. - sign. 82.09 /KNJI/

Članci u časopisima:

  1. Grković-Janović, Snježana. J. K. Rowling : Harry Potter i ... // Književnost i dijete. - 4 (2015), 1; str. 46-59.

  2. Innocenti, Orsetta. The magic of make-believe : reading, plots and protagonists in the Harry Potter series. // Licus. - 3 (2008), 5; str. 35-52.

Izvori na internetu (07.03.2019.):

  1. Black, Sharon. The Magic of Harry Potter: Symbols and Heroes of Fantasy. // Children's Literature in Education. - 34 (2003), 3; str. 237-247. URL: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/227287748_The_Magic_of_Harry_Potter_Symbols_and_Heroes_of_Fantasy

  2. Hernández Miguélez, Adrián. New tendencies in British fantasy literature: the Harry Potter phenomenon. Logrono: Adrián Hernández Miguélez, 2017. URL: https://biblioteca.unirioja.es/tfe_e/TFE002428.pdf

  3. Kotarba, Polly L. Harry Potter: A Link to the Fantasy Genre. URL: http://www.uh.edu/honors/Programs-Minors/honors-and-the-schools/houston-teachers-institute/curriculum-units/pdfs/2003/twentieth-century-novels/kotarba-03-kid-lit.pdf

  4. Opheim, Anna Patricia T. Once Upon a Time in a Fantasy: A Study of Fairytale Elements in Fantasy. Stavanger: Anna Patricia T. Opheim, 2010. URL: https://brage.bibsys.no/xmlui/bitstream/handle/11250/185380/Master%27s%20Thesis%20in%20Literacy%20Studies-%20Anna%20Patricia%20T.%20Opheim.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y

  5. Watts, Robin. The Secret World of Harry Potter: The Literary Laws of Fantasy Applied to the Novels by J. K. Rowling, 2006. URL: http://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:15124/FULLTEXT01.pdf

  6. Wood, Susan Nelson. The Sorcerer's Stone: A Touchstone for Readers of All Ages. // The English Journal. - 90 (2001), 3; str. 97-103. URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/pdf/821315.pdf?ab_segments=0%252Ftbsub-1%252Frelevance_config_with_defaults&refreqid=excelsior%3Abce9732b2a9004f95d6c4b35a8b7c4ac

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Književna djela

Rowling, Joanne Kathleen -- Književni likovi -- Harry Potter, Bajkovni motivi -- Tumačenje