Pitanje br. 15082
Filozofski misticizam u djelima Zohar i Ključ kralja Salomona


  1. Židovska mistika // Enciklopedija mistika / Marie-Madeleine Davy. Sv. 1. Zagreb : Naprijed, 1990. - sign. 29(03)sv1 /DAV/ e

  2. Goetschel, Roland. Kabala. Zagreb : Kulturno informativni centar : Jesenski i Turk, 2010. - sign. 141.3 /GOE/ k

  3. Cavendish, Richard. Istorija magije. Beograd : Jugoslavija, 1979. - sign. 133(091) /CAV/ i

  4. Demonomagija // Eros i magija u renesansi / Ioan P. Culianu. Zagreb : Fabula nova, 2007. - sign. 133 /CUL/ e

  5. The Cabala // The history of science and religion in the western tradition : an encyclopedia. New York ; London : Garland Publishing, 2000. - sign. 001(03) /HIS/

JSTOR (pristup u GISKO Ili putem NSK Portala elektroničkih izvora):

  1. Wolfson, Elliot R. "Light through Darkness: The Ideal of Human Perfection in the Zohar." The Harvard Theological Review 81, no. 1 (1988): 73-95. http://www.jstor.org/stable/1509586.

  2. Wolski, Nathan. "Mystical Poetics: Narrative, Time and Exegesis in the Zohar." Prooftexts 28, no. 2 (2008): 101-28. doi:10.2979/pft.2008.28.2.101.

  3. Wolfson, Elliot. "Left Contained in the Right: A Study in Zoharic Hermeneutics." AJS Review 11, no. 1 (1986): 27-52. http://www.jstor.org/stable/1486354.

  4. Chatley, Herbert. "MEDIÆVAL OCCULTISM." The Monist 18, no. 4 (1908): 510-16. http://www.jstor.org/stable/27900133.

  5. Rohrbacher-Sticker, Claudia. "A HEBREW MANUSCRIPT OF CLAVICULA SALOMONIS, PART II." The British Library Journal 21, no. 1 (1995): 128-36. http://www.jstor.org/stable/42554403.

Research Gate (16.04.2019.)

  1. Mathiesen, Robert. (2019). The Key of Solomon: Toward a Typology of the Manuscripts. Societas Magica Newsletter. 17 (2007) ; pp 1-10

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13 Filozofija uma i duha. Metafizika duhovnog života

Kabala -- Temeljni pojmovi, Misticizam