Pitanje br. 15198
Rizom kod francuskog filozofa Deleuzea


  1. Deleuze, Gilles. Kapitalizam i shizofrenija. Knj. 2 : Tisuću platoa Zagreb : Sandorf : Mizantrop, 2015. - sign. 159.96sv2 /DEL/ k

Članci u časopisima:

  1. Gunjević, Boris. Gilles Deleuze i Felix Guattari : što je i što nije filozofija? // Tvrđa. - (2013), 1/2 ; str. 97-104

  2. Higgins, Luke B. Postajanje mnogostrukošću : ostati u sredini između Whiteheadove i Deleuze-Guattarijeve filozofije života // Tvrđa. - (2013), 1/2 ; str. 149-158

Research Gate (15.05.2019.):

  1. Douglas-Jones, R. C. and Sariola, S. (2009) ’Rhizome yourself : experiencing Deleuze and Guattari from theory to practice.’, Rhizomes., 19 (Summer).

  2. Scott Lawley. Deleuze’s Rhizome and the Study of Organization : Conceptual Movement and an Open Future. Tamara : Journal of Critical Postmodern Organization Science Vol 3 (4) 2005

Google Scholar:

  1. Shaw, Robert (2015) 'Bringing Deleuze and Guattari down to Earth through Gregory Bateson : plateaus,rhizomes and ecosophical subjectivity.', Theory, culture society., 32 (7-8). pp. 151-171.

  2. Elizabeth de Freitas. The Classroom as Rhizome : New Strategies for Diagramming Knotted Interactions. Qualitative Inquiry. (2012), 18(7)

  3. O'Sullivan, Simon D.. 2000. 'Cultural Studies as Rhizome, Rhizomes in Cultural Studies'. In: Cultural Studies and Interdisciplinarity, Trinity and All Saints College. University of Leeds, United Kingdom.

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14 Filozofski sustavi i točke gledišta

Deleuze, Gilles