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T-stajalište kao sredstvo pogodovanja predatorskoj aktivnosti ptica grabljivica nad poljskim glodavcima u lucerištu


  1. Josipović, Ana; Gantner, Ranko; Bukvić, Gordana; Tolić, Snježana. Zaštita od poljskih glodavaca u ekološkom krmnom bilju // Agriculture in nature and environment protection : proceedings & abstracts / 5th international scientific/professional conference, Vukovar, 4th-6th June 2012. Osijek : Glas Slavonije, 2012. ; str. 185-190 - sign. 631(497.5) /INT/ a   OP

Research Gate (13.06.2019.):

  1. Lushka Labuschagne, Lourens H Swanepoel, Peter J Taylor, Steven R Belmain, Mark Keith. Are avian predators effective biological control agents for rodent pest management in agricultural systems? Biological Control. Volume 101, 2016, Pages 94-102

  2. Krijger, I. M., Belmain, S. R., Singleton, G. R., Groot Koerkamp, P. W., & Meerburg, B. G. (2017). The need to implement the landscape of fear within rodent pest management strategies. Pest management science, 73(12), 2397–2402. doi:10.1002/ps.4626

  3. José A. Donázar, Ainara Cortés-Avizanda, Juan A. Fargallo, Antoni Margalida, Marcos Moleón, Zebensui Morales-Reyes, Rubén Moreno-Opo, Juan M. Pérez-García, José A. Sánchez-Zapata, Iñigo Zuberogoitia, David Serrano "Roles of Raptors in a Changing World: From Flagships to Providers of Key Ecosystem Services," Ardeola, 63(1), 181-234, (1 June 2016)

  4. Kan, Iddo & Motro, Yoav & Horwitz, Nir & Kimhi, Ayal & Leshem, Yossi & Yom-Tov, Yoram & Nathan, Ran. (2013). Agricultural Rodent Control Using Barn Owls: Is It Profitable?. American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 96. 733-752. 10.1093/ajae/aat097.

  5. Paz A, Jareño D, Arroyo L, Viñuela J, Arroyo B, Mougeot F, Luque-Larena JJ, Fargallo JA. Avian predators as a biological control system of common vole (Microtus arvalis) populations in north-western Spain: experimental set-up and preliminary results. Pest Manag Sci. 2013 Mar;69(3):444-50. doi: 10.1002/ps.3289. Epub 2012 Apr 19.

  6. Motro, Yoav. (2011). Economic evaluation of biological rodent control using barn owls Tyto alba in alfalfa. Julius-Kühn-Archiv. 10.5073/jka.2011.432.040.

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