Pitanje br. 15322
Ustrojstvo vlasti i lokalna samouprava Kraljevine Švedske - općenito o Kraljevini Švedskoj


  1. Švedska // Atlas Europe. Zagreb : Leksikografski zavod Miroslav Krleža, 1997. - sign. 912(4) /ATL/

  2. Švedska // Velika enciklopedija zemalja. Sv. 4 : Sjeverna i Istočna Europa. Zagreb : 24 sata ; [Barcelona] : Planeta Marketing Institucional, 2009. - sign. 913sv4 /VEL/

Research Gate (02.07.2019.):

  1. Doina Popescu. System Of Local Government in Sweden. International Conference : CKS - Challenges of the Knowledge Soc ; 2013, p613

  2. Montin, Stig & Granberg, Mikael. (2007). Local Governance in Sweden. Paper prepared for presentation at section Local Politics in the Age of Governance: Actors,

    Arenas and Democratic Decision-Making (LOGOPOL Standing Group), panel “Local

    Governance (I)”; Session Date Thu 6 Sep, ECPR General Conference, Pisa 6-8 September


  3. Elander, Ingemar & Montin, Stig. (1990). Decentralisation and Control: central-local government relations in Sweden. Policy & Politics. 18. 165-180. 10.1332/030557390782454512.

Izvori na internetu (02.07.2019.):

  1. Local government in Sweden– organisation, activities and finance. Stockholm : Ministry of Finance, s.a. - URL: https://www.vannas.se/default.aspx?di=2056

  2. The Swedish Local Government Act Ds 2004:31 - URL: https://www.government.se/legal-documents/2004/09/ds-200431/

UDK pojmovi: 
32 Politika

Švedska -- Politički sustav