Pitanje br. 15424
YouTube - povijest i razvoj


  1. Youtube and the global self // The SAGE handbook of globalization. Vol. 1. Los Angeles [etc.] : Sage Publications, cop. 2014. - sign. 316.4sv1 /SAG/

  2. Bočev, Mladen; Ružić-Baf, Maja; Debeljuh, Andrea. YouTube // New possibilities of ICT in education / edited by Maja Ružić-Baf, Janko Žufić. Pula : Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Faculty of Educational Sciences, 2016. - sign.  371 /NEW/   OP

Semantic Scholar (02.09.2019.):

  1. Margaret Holland. How YouTube Developed into a Successful Platform for User-Generated Content. Elon Journal of Undergraduate Research in Communications, Vol. 7, (2016), No. 1 ; pp 52-59

Research Gate (02.09.2019.):

  1. Edosomwan, Simeon & Prakasan, S.K. & Kouame, D & Watson, J & Seymour, T. (2011). The history of social media and its impact on business. Journal of Applied Management and Entrepreneurship. 16. 79-91.

UDK pojmovi: 
316.7 Sociologija kulture

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