Pitanje br. 15446
Privatne premium marke


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Članci u časopisima:

  1. Čirjak, Marina; Krajnović, Aleksandra; Bosna, Jurica. Privatne marke. // Ekonomska misao i praksa. - 21 (2012), 2 ; str. 597-619

  2. Horvat, Sandra. Istraživanje razvoja privatnih maraka u Republici Hrvatskoj. // Tržište. - 21 (2009) , 1; str. 81-94

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  5. Pavlek, Zvonimir. Privatne marke : II // Suvremena trgovina. - 26 (2001), 3/4 ; str. 48-50

JSTOR (pristup u GISKO ili putem NSK Portala elektroničkih izvora):

  1. Inge Geyskens, Katrijn Gielens, Els Gijsbrechts (2010). Proliferating Private-Label Portfolios: How Introducing Economy and Premium Private Labels Influences Brand Choice. Journal of Marketing Research, 47(5), 791-807. Retrieved from http://www.jstor.org/stable/20751544

  2. Chen, C., Chou, S., Hsiao, L., & Wu, I. (2009). Private Labels and New Product Development. Marketing Letters, 20(3), 227-243. Retrieved from http://www.jstor.org/stable/27744263

  3. Ailawadi, K., Lehmann, D., & Neslin, S. (2003). Revenue Premium as an Outcome Measure of Brand Equity. Journal of Marketing, 67(4), 1-17. Retrieved from http://www.jstor.org/stable/30040546

  4. Cuneo, A., Milberg, S., Benavente, J., & Palacios-Fenech, J. (2015). The Growth of Private Label Brands: A Worldwide Phenomenon? Journal of International Marketing, 23(1), 72-90. Retrieved from http://www.jstor.org/stable/43966481

Semantic Scholar (19.09.2019.):

  1. Mariyana Bozhinova. Private Label – Retailers’ Competitive Strategy. Global Journal of Management and Business Research Volume XIII (2013), Issue X Version I ; pp 29-33

  2. Giraud-Héraud, E., Rouached, L., & Soler, L.G. (2003). Minimum Quality Standard and Premium Private Labels.

  3. A Ter Braak, I Geyskens, MG Dekimpe. Taking private labels upmarket: Empirical generalizations on category drivers of premium private label introductions. Journal of Retailing, 2014

Research Gate (19.09.2019.):

  1. Dobson, Paul & Chakraborty, Ratula. (2009). Private labels and branded goods: consumers' 'horrors' and 'heroes'. Private Labels, Brands and Competition Policy. 99-124.

  2. Jonas, Astrid & Roosen, Jutta. (2005). Private labels for premium products: The example of organic food. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management. 33. 10.1108/09590550510608412.

Izvori na internetu (19.09.2019.):

  1. The State of Private Labelaround the World. New York : Nielsen, 2014 - URL: https://www.nielsen.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2019/04/state-of-private-label-around-the-world-nov-2014.pdf

  2. Pam Feetham. The Positioning of Premium Private Label Brands : thesis. Palmerston North : Massey University, 2011 - URL: https://mro.massey.ac.nz/bitstream/handle/10179/3342/02_whole.pdf

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