Pitanje br. 15504
Utjecaj serije Žica na američku pop kulturu


  1. Kovačević, Sanja. Kvalitetne TV serije : milenijsko doba ekrana. Zagreb : Naklada Jesenski i Turk : CeKaPe [i. e.] Centar za kreativno pisanje, 2017. - sign. 7.09 /KOV/ k

  2. The Wire = Doušnici // Televizijske serije : budućnost filma? / Žan-Pjer Eskenazi. Beograd : Clio, 2010. - sign. 7.09 /ESQ/ t

Članci u časopisima:

  1. Cvek, Sven. O nekim formalnim i političkim aspektima Žice // Hrvatski filmski ljetopis. - 21 (2015), 81 ; str. 9-20, 160

  2. Jelača, Matija. From rationalism to realism in The Wire // Umjetnost riječi. - 60 (2016), 3/4 ; str. 261-290

  3. Cvek, Sven. Following the Money: The Wire and Distant American Studies // Sic. - 4 (2014) , 2 ; str. 1-16

  4. Willems, Brian. Things that Go Nowhere: Scale, City and the List in Richard Price’s Lush Life // Umjetnost riječi. - 62 (2018), 1 ; str. 51-70

JSTOR (pristup u GISKO ili putem NSK Portala elektroničkih izvora):

  1. Jameson, F. (2010). REALISM AND UTOPIA IN "THE WIRE". Criticism, 52(3 & 4), 359-372. Retrieved from http://www.jstor.org/stable/23131422

  2. Penfold-Mounce, R., Beer, D., & Burrows, R. (2011). The Wire as Social Science—fiction? Sociology, 45(1), 152-167. Retrieved from http://www.jstor.org/stable/42857524

  3. Love, C. (2010). GREEK GODS IN BALTIMORE: GREEK TRAGEDY AND "THE WIRE". Criticism, 52(3 & 4), 487-507. Retrieved from http://www.jstor.org/stable/23131428

  4. Hsu, H. (2010). WALKING IN SOMEONE ELSE'S CITY: "THE WIRE" AND THE LIMITS OF EMPATHY. Criticism, 52(3 & 4), 509-528. Retrieved from http://www.jstor.org/stable/23131429

  5. Chaddha, A., & Wilson, W. (2011). “Way Down in the Hole”: Systemic Urban Inequality and The Wire. Critical Inquiry, 38(1), 164-188. doi:10.1086/661647

Research Gate (14.10.2019.):

  1. García Martínez, Alberto. (2017). Baltimore in The Wire and Los Angeles in The Shield: Urban Landscapes in American Drama Series. SERIES. International Journal of TV Serial Narratives. 3. 51-60. 10.6092/issn.2421-454X/7144.

  2. Bandes, Susan A., Video, Popular Culture, and Police Excessive Force: The Elusive Narrative of Over-Policing (August 13, 2018). University of Chicago Legal Forum, Vol. 2018, 2018. Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3230084

Google Books:

  1. David Bzdak; Joanna Crosby; Seth Vannatta. The wire and philosophy. Chicago : Open Court, 2013.

UDK pojmovi: 
316.7 Sociologija kulture

Televizijske serije