Pitanje br. 15509
Pojavnost halucinacija u općoj populaciji


  1. Degmečić, Dunja. Halucinacije. Zagreb : Medicinska naklada, 2012. - sign. 616.8(075.8) /DEG/ h

  2. Begić, Dražen. Psihopatologija. Zagreb : Medicinska naklada, 2014 - sign. 616.8(075.8) /BEG/ p

  3. Psihijatrija / Pavo Filaković i suradnici. Osijek : Medicinski fakultet Osijek, 2014. - sign. 616.8(075.8) /PSI/

NCBI- PMC (15.10.2019.):

  1. Temmingh, H., Stein, D. J., Seedat, S., & Williams, D. R. (2011). The prevalence and correlates of hallucinations in a general population sample: findings from the South African Stress and Health Study. African journal of psychiatry, 14(3), 211–217. doi:10.4314/ajpsy.v14i3.4

  2. Kråkvik, B., Larøi, F., Kalhovde, A. M., Hugdahl, K., Kompus, K., Salvesen, Ø., … Vedul-Kjelsås, E. (2015). Prevalence of auditory verbal hallucinations in a general population: A group comparison study. Scandinavian journal of psychology, 56(5), 508–515. doi:10.1111/sjop.12236

  3. McGrath JJ, Saha S, Al-Hamzawi A, et al. Psychotic Experiences in the General Population: A Cross-National Analysis Based on 31 261 Respondents From 18 Countries. JAMA Psychiatry. 2015;72(7):697–705. doi:10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2015.0575

Cambridge Journals (pristup u GISKO ili putem NSK Portala elektroničkih izvora):

  1. Nolan, M. (1928). Hallucinations and Sanity. Journal of Mental Science, 74(304), 49-58. doi:10.1192/bjp.74.304.49

  2. De Boer, J., Linszen, M., De Vries, J., Schutte, M., Begemann, M., Heringa, S., . . . Sommer, I. (n.d.). Auditory hallucinations, top-down processing and language perception: A general population study. Psychological Medicine, 1-9. doi:10.1017/S003329171800380X

Research Gate (15.10.2019.):

  1. Johns, Louise. (2005). Hallucinations in the general population. Current psychiatry reports. 7. 162-7. 10.1007/s11920-005-0049-9.

  2. Tien, Allen. (1992). Distribution of Hallucinations in the Population. Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology. 26. 287-92. 10.1007/BF00789221.

Springer Link (15.10.2019.):

  1. Louise C. Johns. Hallucinations in the general population. Current Psychiatry Reports. May 2005, Volume 7, Issue 3, pp 162–167 ; https://doi.org/10.1007/s11920-005-0049-9


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616.8 Psihijatrija
