Pitanje br. 15618
Uloga i svrha etičkih povjerenstava


  1. Medicinska etika / urednici Stella Fatović-Ferenčić, Antun Tucak. Zagreb : Medicinska naklada, 2011. - sign. 614.2(075.8) /MED/

  2. Žokalj, Ivan. Bolnička etička povjerenstva – pogled iznutra // Bioetičke teme : knjiga izlaganja s I.-XI. proljetnoga bioetičkoga simpozija Hrvatskoga liječničkoga zbora održanih u Zagrebu od 2001. do 2011. godine. Zagreb : Medicinska naklada : Hrvatski liječnički zbor, 2012. - sign. 614.2 /BIO/

Članci u časopisima:

  1. Pustovrh, Toni. (Bio)ethicists and (bio)ethical expertise in national ethical advisory bodies : roles, functions and perceptions // Prolegomena. - 14 (2015), 1 ; str. 47-69

  2. Sorta-Bilajac, Iva. Bioetičke konzultacije // Medicina. - 44 (2008), 2 ; str. str. 135-145

Research Gate (14.11.2019.):

  1. Præstegaard, J., & Gard, G. (2013). Ethical issues in physiotherapy – Reflected from the perspective of physiotherapists in private practice. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, 29(2), 96-112.

  2. Andrew, A. Ethical Issues in Physical Therapy Practice : a Survey of Physical Therapists in New England. Phisical Therapy. Volume 60 / Number 10, October 1980 ; pp 1264 -1272

Izvori na internetu (14.11.2019,.):

  1. European Commission. The Roles and Functions of Ethics Advisors/Ethics Advisory Boards in EC-funded Projects, 2012 - URL: https://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/data/ref/h2020/other/hi/ethics-guide-advisors_en.pdf

  2. A Code of Ethical Conduct for Physiotherapists : declaration of Principles. Malta Association of Physiotherapists, 2017 - URL: https://physiomalta.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Code-of-Ethics-FINAL.pdf

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614 Javno zdravlje i higijena. Zaštita i prevencija nesreća

Medicinska etika