Pitanje br. 15655
Adolph Diesterweg - otac njemačkog učiteljstva


  1. Education, History of // The new encyclopaedia Britannica. Vol. 18 : Macropaedia : knowledge in depth : [Education-Evolution]. Chicago [etc.] : Encyclopaedia Britannica, cop. 1995. - sign. 03=20sv18/ NEW

  2. Diesterweg, A.W. // Pedagoška enciklopedija. 1. Beograd [etc.] : Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva [etc.], 1989. - sign. 37(03)sv1 /PED/

  3. Pedagoška hrestomatija : priručnik za učenike odgojno-obrazovnog usmjerenja i studente nastavničkih fakulteta / [priredio] Mate Zaninović. Zagreb : Školska knjiga, 1985. - sign. 37(091) /PED/

  4. Bouillet, Dejana. Osnove socijalne pedagogije. Zagreb : Školska knjiga, 2007. - sign.  37.01 /BOU/ o

  5. Zaninović, Mate. Opća povijest pedagogije. Zagreb : Školska knjiga, 1988. - sign. 37(091) /ZAN/ o

  6. Žlebnik, Leon. Opšta istorija školstva i pedagoških ideja. Beograd : Prosvetni pregled ; Gornji Milanovac : Dečje novine, 1983. - sign. 37(091) /ŽLE/ o

Izvori na internetu (29.11.2019.):

  1. Social pedagogy: the development of theory and practice. URL: http://infed.org/mobi/social-pedagogy-the-development-of-theory-and-practice/

  2. Ellis, Arthur. The Education Systems of Germany and Other European Countries of the 19th Century in the View of American and Russian Classics: Horace Mann and Konstantin Ushinsky. // International Dialogues on Education: Past and Present. - 1 (2014), 1. URL: https://www.ide-journal.org/article/ellis-golz-mayrhofer-education-in-19thcentury-europe-views-of-mann-and-ushinsky-countries-of-the-19th-views-of-mann-and-ushinsky/

  3. Fallace, Thomas. Reading Democracy and Education in the Context of World War I. // Democracy and Education. - 25 (2017), 1. URL: https://democracyeducationjournal.org/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1277&context=home

  4. Günther, Karl-Heinz. Friedrich Adolph Wilhelm Diesterweg (1790-1866). // PROSPECTS: the quarterly review of comparative education. - 23 (1993); str. 293–302. URL: http://www.ibe.unesco.org/sites/default/files/diestere.pdf

  5. Zhang, Xiao-Jin. On Diesterweg's Ideas of Education. // Joint 2016 International Conference On Social Science And Environmental Science (SSES 2016) And International Conference On Food Science And Engineering (ICFSE 2016). Lancaster, PA: DEStech Publication Inc., 2016. URL: http://dpi-proceedings.com/index.php/dteees/article/download/10631/10182


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Povijest školstva

Pedagogija -- Povijest