Pitanje br. 15705
Uloga liječnika u srednjem vijeku


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  2. Cartwright, Frederick F. Bolest i povijest. Zagreb : Naklada Ljevak, 2006. - sign.  61(091) /CAR/ b

  3. Glesinger, Lavoslav. Medicina kroz vjekove. Zagreb : Zora, 1954. - sign.  61 /GLE/ m

  4. Glesinger, Lavoslav. Povijest medicine. Zagreb : Školska knjiga, 1978. - sign.  61(091) /GLE/ p

  5. Gonzalez-Crussi, Frank. Medicina : kratka povijest. Zagreb : Alfa, 2010. - sign.  61(091) /GON/ m

  6. Grmek, Mirko Dražen. Uvod u medicinu. Zagreb : Nakladni zavod Globus, 1996. - sign.  61(075.8) /GRM/ u

  7. Habek, Dubravko. Povijest medicine uz razvoj primaljstva, porodništva i ginekologije. Zagreb : Medicinska naklada, 2015 [i. e.] 2014. - sign.  61(075.8) /HAB/ p

  8. Lehrer, Steven. Vitezi medicine. Beograd : Prosveta, 1981. - sign.  61(091) /LEH/ v

  9. Ravančić, Gordan. Vrijeme umiranja : crna smrt u Dubrovniku 1348.-1349. Zagreb : Hrvatski institut za povijest, 2010. - sign.  94(497.5) /RAV/ v

  10. Škrobonja, Ante. Medicina svud oko nas. Rijeka : Digital point tiskara, 2008. - sign.  61(091) /ŠKR/ m  OP

  11. Škrobonja, Ante. Povijest medicine za praktičare. Rijeka : "Adamić", 2003. - sign.  61(075.8) /ŠKR/ p

  12. Vujević, Ivan. Zdravlje i medicina kroz povijest. Split [i. e.] Omiš : Tiskara "Franjo Kluz", 2004. - sign.  61(091) /VUJ/ z

Članci u časopisima:

  1. Buklijaš, Tatjana. Medicine and Society in the Medieval Hospital. // Croatian medical journal. - 49 (2008), 2; str. 151–154.

  2. Ghaffari, Farzaneh. Rhazes, a pioneer in contribution to trials in medical practice. // Acta medico-historica Adriatica. - 15 (2017), 2; str. 261-270.

  3. Heydari, Mojtaba. Medicinal Aspects Of Opium As Described In Avicenna’s Canon Of Medicine. // Acta medico-historica Adriatica. - 11 (2013), 1; str. 101-112.

  4. Khan, Murad Ahmad. Ibn Sina And The Roots Of The Seven Doctrines Of Preservation Of Health. // Acta medico-historica Adriatica. - 13 (2015), br. Supplement 2; str. 87-102.

  5. Ravančić, Gordan. Historiografija o epidemiji Crne smrti s polovice 14. stoljeća. // Povijesni prilozi. - 26 (2007), 33; str. 195-213.

Izvori na internetu (18.12.2019.):

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  5. Burton, Daniella. Medieval Medicine: Magical & Irrational. How during the Middle Ages, the Church and Scientific Theory Clashed. URL: https://www.academia.edu/27361859/Medieval_Medicine_Magical_and_Irrational_How_during_the_Middle_Ages_the_Church_and_Scientific_Theory_Clashed

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61(091) Povijest medicine

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