Pitanje br. 15856
Mobilne aplikacije u učenju stranih jezika

Poglavlja u knjigama:

  1. Skupnjak, Draženka. Mobitel u nastavi: stavovi i iskustva učitelja. // Contemporary challenges to educational theory and practice : book of proceedings. 14th Mate Demarin Days, Topusko, Croatia, May 29th and 30th, 2014 / uredili Ivan Prskalo, Anka Jurčević Lozančić, Zdenko Braičić. Zagreb: Učiteljski fakultet ; Sveučilište u Zagrebu, 2014. str. 275-283. URL: https://www.bib.irb.hr/705442/download/705442.Mobitel_u_nastavi_stavovi_i_iskustva_uitelja.pdf


  1. Digital environment and education / editors Đorđe Nadrljanski, Mila Nadrljanski ; english translation Sanja Frkić, Mislav Skračić. Split : Redak, 2019. - sign.  371.3 /DIG/  OP

  2. Nastava i škola za net-generacije = [School for the Net Generation] / uredio, editor Milan Matijević. Zagreb : Učiteljski fakultet, 2017. - sign.  371.3 /NAS/

  3. Mikulan, Krunoslav. Kompetencije nastavnika stranih jezika : informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije i novi trendovi u poučavanju. Zagreb : Učiteljski fakultet, 2018. - sign.  37.01 /MIK/ k

Izvori na internetu (02.03.2020.):

  1. Ali, Zuraina. Learning Technical Vocabulary through a Mobile App: English Language Teachers' Perspectives. // International Journal of Language Education and Applied Linguistics. - 4 (2016), str. 81-91. URL: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/305737550_Learning_Technical_Vocabulary_through_a_Mobile_App_English_Language_Teachers'_Perspectives

  2. Bachore, Mebratu Mulatu. Language Learning through Mobile Technologies: An Opportunity for Language Learners and Teachers. // Journal of Education and Practice. - 6 (2015), 31; str. 50-53. https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1083417.pdf

  3. Heil, Catherine Regina. A review of mobile language learning applications: trends, challenges and opportunities. // The EUROCALL Review. - 24 (2016), 2; str. 32-50. URL: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/313346126_A_review_of_mobile_language_learning_applications_trends_challenges_and_opportunities

  4. Liang, luyi. Exploring Language Learning with Mobile Technology: A Qualitative Content Analysis of Vocabulary Learning Apps for ESL Learners in Canada. 2018. URL: https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/88a0/454910a838a4d4ae0d8df403c082a9ad34cd.pdf?_ga=2.49824550.1663393656.1583144196-1686401222.1583144196

  5. Luo, Beate. Quizlet and Kahoot – two powerful tools in language teaching. // Conference: 2017 Symposium of Innovative Education and Teaching Technology, At Taichung, Taiwan, 2017. URL: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/317557471_Quizlet_and_Kahoot_-_two_powerful_tools_in_language_teaching

  6. Mittal, Reena. Use of Cell phones in ClassroomTeaching: Boon or Bane. // International Journal of Research. - 1 (2014), 8; str. 1253-1257. URL: http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=

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