Pitanje br. 15930
Strategija plavog oceana u kreiranju poslovnih modela


  1. Galović, Tomislav. Uvod u inovativnost poduzeća : sveučilišni udžbenik. Rijeka : Ekonomski fakultet, 2016. - sign.  65.01 /GAL/ u  OP

  2. Kim, W. Chan. Strategija plavog oceana : kako stvoriti prostor bez konkurencije na tržištu. Zagreb : Poslovni dnevnik : Masmedia, 2007. - sign.  339.1 /KIM/ s

  3. Osterwalder, Alexander. Stvaranje poslovnih modela : priručnik za vizionare, one koji mijenjaju pravila igre i ljubitelje izazova. Zagreb : Školska knjiga, 2014. - sign.  65.01 /OST/ s

  4. Trias de Bes Mingot, Fernando. Inovacijom do pobjede : model od A do F. Zagreb : Školska knjiga, 2016. - sign.  339.1 /TRI/ i

Članci u časopisima:

  1. Jurin, Edvin. "Pametne" turističke destinacije - okviri za razradu modela implementacije. // Acta turistica nova. - 2 (2008), 1; str. 123-143.

  2. Vugrinec Hitrec, Veronika. W. Chan Kim, Renne Mauborgne: "Strategija plavog oceana". // Market-Tržište. - 19 (2007), 1; str. 133-136.

Izvori na internetu (17.03.2020.):

  1. Alam, Samsul. Impact of Blue Ocean Strategy on Organizational Performance: A literature review toward implementation logic. // IOSR Journal of Business and Management. - 19 (2017), 1; str. 1-19. URL: http://www.iosrjournals.org/iosr-jbm/papers/Vol19-issue1/Version-3/A1901030119.pdf

  2. Alghamdi, Abdulraheem A. Market Knowledge, Blue Ocean Strategy, and Competitive Advantage: Direct and Indirect Relationships and Impact. // Universal Journal of Management. - 4 (2016), 4; str. 141-160. URL: http://www.hrpub.org/download/20160331/UJM1-12105565.pdf

  3. Burke, Andrew. Blue Ocean versus Competitive Strategy: Theory and Evidence. ERIM report series research in management Erasmus Research Institute of Management. 2009. URL: https://repub.eur.nl/pub/16037/ERS-2009-030-ORG.pdf

  4. Čirjevskis, A. Exploration of Qualitative Success Factors of Innovative E-Business Startups: Blue Ocean Strategy versus Dynamic Capabilities. // International Journal of Business Excellence. - 13 (2017), 4; str. 459–478. URL: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/320818418_Exploration_of_qualitative_success_factors_of_innovative_e-business_startups_Blue_ocean_strategy_versus_dynamic_capabilities

  5. Gunduz, Safak. Preventing blue ocean from turning into red ocean: A case study of a room escape game. // Journal of Human Sciences, 15 (2018), 1; str. 1-7. URL: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/322630603_Preventing_blue_ocean_from_turning_into_red_ocean_A_case_study_of_a_room_escape_game

  6. Lindič, Jaka. Higher Growth through the Blue Ocean Strategy: Implications for Economic Policy. // Research Policy. - 41 (2012), 5; str. 928-938. URL: https://www.academia.edu/3269715/Higher_growth_through_the_Blue_Ocean_Strategy_Implications_for_economic_policy

  7. Madsen, Dag. Examining the Emergence and Evolution of Blue Ocean Strategy through the Lens of Management Fashion Theory. // Social Sciences. - 8 (2019), 1; str. 1-23. URL: https://www.mdpi.com/2076-0760/8/1/28/pdf

  8. Motswene, Caroline Rosemary. Blue Ocean Strategy As A Predictor For Effective Performance Of The Medium-Sized And Large Businesses. // Journal of Marketing and HR. - 7 (2018), 1; str. 403-421. URL: http://www.scitecresearch.com/journals/index.php/jmhr/article/view/1469/1071

  9. Roth, Steffen. Multifunctional organisation models. A systems-theoretical framework for new venture discovery and creation. // Journal of Organizational Change Management. - 31 (2018), str. 1383–1400. URL: https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/41c9/865d9f74c3a22790584c61095274aa1fe130.pdf?_ga=2.160332797.1556423170.1584438310-150288705.1578468686

  10. Smodila, Martina. Strateško usmjerenje hrvatskih poduzeća – plavi ili crveni oceani?. // Naučne publikacije Državnog univerziteta u Novom Pazaru. Serija B: Društvene & humanističke nauke. - 2 (2019), 1; str. 46-55. URL: https://www.bib.irb.hr/995247/download/995247.2019_SmodilaPeric_Blue_ocean_strategy.pdf

  11. Velic, Aldin. Transforming the Nature and Scope of Strategy Formulation: A Longitudinal Study Measuring the Effects Industry Clockspeed Benchmarking Has on Blue Ocean Strategy. // Dissertation Abstracts International Section A: Humanities and Social Sciences. - 79 (2018), 3–A(E). URL: https://www.academia.edu/39777380/TRANSFORMING_THE_NATURE_AND_SCOPE_OF_STRATEGY_FORMULATION_A_LONGITUDINAL_STUDY_MEASURING_THE_EFFECTS_INDUSTRY_CLOCKSPEED_BENCHMARKING_HAS_ON_BLUE_OCEAN_STRATEGY

Taylor&Francis (pristup u GISKO ili putem NSK Portala elektroničkih izvora):

  1. Agnihotri, Arpita. Extending boundaries of Blue Ocean Strategy. // Journal of Strategic Marketing. - 24 (2016), 6; str. 519-528. URL: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/0965254X.2015.1069882

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65 Poslovanje i organizacija

Tržišta -- Konkurentnost, Inovacije