Pitanje br. 15958
Biostimulatori u poljoprivredi (jabuke, sorta gala)


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  2. Krpina, Ivo. Voćarstvo. Zagreb : Nakladni zavod Globus, 2004. - sign.  634 /KRP/ v

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  4. Petranović, Krešimir. Voćarstvo. Split : Marjan tisak, 2005. - sign.  634.1/.7 /PET/ v

  5. Skendrović Babojelić, Martina. Priručnik iz voćarstva : građa, svojstva i analize voćnih plodova. Zagreb : Hrvatska sveučilišna naklada : Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Agronomski fakultet, 2016. - sign.  634(075.8) /SKE/ p

  6. Vukadinović, Vladimir. Ekofiziologija bilja. Osijek : Neformalna savjetodavna služba, 2014. - sign. 581(075.8) /VUK/ e

  7. Vukadinović, Vladimir. Ishrana bilja. Osijek : Poljoprivredni fakultet, 2011. - sign. 631(075.8) /VUK/ i

  8. Znaor, Darko. Ekološka poljoprivreda : poljoprivreda sutrašnjice. Zagreb : Globus, 1996. - sign. 631 /ZNA/ e

Članci u časopisima:

  1. Grgić, Ivanka. Korištenje biofizioloških aktivatora tla u intenzivnoj poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji u odnosu na prinos i kvalitetu tla. // Glasnik zaštite bilja. - 35 (2012), 5 ; str. 94-98.

  2. Grgić, Ivanka. Mogućnost povećanja kvalitete poljoprivrednog tla u suvremenoj poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji. // Glasnik zaštite bilja. - 34 (2011), 4 ; str. 74-77.

  3. Milinović, Bernardica. Produktivnost i kvaliteta ploda tradicionalnih sorti jabuka u intenzivnim sustavima uzgoja. // Pomologia Croatica. - 21 (2017), 3-4 ; str. 149-158.

Izvori na internetu (08.04.2020.):

  1. Amarante, Cassandro. Yield and fruit quality of apple from conventional and organic production systems. // Pesq. agropec. bras., Brasília. - 43 (2008), 3; str. 333-340. URL: https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/2e93/7520c3108548ed9e1ee63ff52fb0b61cce18.pdf

  2. Ayub, Ricardo Antonio. Fruit set and yield of apple trees cv. Gala treated with seaweed extract of ascophyllum nodosum and thidiazuron. // Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura. - 41 (2019), 1; str. 1-12. URL: http://www.scielo.br/pdf/rbf/v41n1/0100-2945-rbf-41-1-e-072.pdf

  3. Brown, Susan. Apple Cultivars: A Geneva Perspective. // New York Fruit Quarterly. - 10 (2002), 2; str. 21-27. URL: http://nyshs.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Apple-Cultivars-A-Geneva-Perspective.pdf 

  4. Calvo, Pamela. Agricultural uses of plant biostimulants. // Plant and Soil. - 383 (2014), 1-2; str.  1-30. URL: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/262223222_Agricultural_uses_of_plant_biostimulants

  5. Drobek, Magdalena. Plant Biostimulants: Importance of the Quality and Yield of Horticultural Crops and the Improvement of Plant Tolerance to Abiotic Stress—A Review. // Agronomy. - 9 (2019), 335; str. 1-18. URL: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/333988550_Plant_Biostimulants_Importance_of_the_Quality_and_Yield_of_Horticultural_Crops_and_the_Improvement_of_Plant_Tolerance_to_Abiotic_Stress-A_Review

  6. Gianguzzi, G. Effects of zinc foliar nutrition on ‘Gala’ apple (Malus domestica Borkh) fruit quality. // Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science. - 23 (2017), 2; str. 213–218. URL: https://www.agrojournal.org/23/02-06.pdf

  7. Gonçalves, Marcos Westphal. Maturity And Quality Of Apple Fruit Durinig

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    . // Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura. - 39 (2017), 5; str. 1-10. URL: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/321884479_Maturity_and_quality_of_apple_fruit_durinig_the_harvest_period_at_apple_industry

  8. Halpern, Moshe. The Use of Biostimulants for Enhancing Nutrient Uptake. // Advances in Agronomy / Sparks, D.L. (Ed.). 2015. str. 141-174. URL: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/281717768_The_Use_of_Biostimulants_for_Enhancing_Nutrient_Uptake

  9. Nagy, Péter Tamás. Effects of algae products on nutrient uptake and fruit quality of apple. // 

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63 Poljoprivreda i šumarstvo

Jabuka -- Uzgoj, Ishrana bilja