Pitanje br. 1623
Nematode kao bioindikatori zdravlja tla


  1. Ivezić, Marija: Entomologija : kukci i ostali štetnici u ratarstvu. Osijek : Poljoprivredni fakultet, 2008.

  2. Maceljski, Milan: Poljoprivredna entomologija. Čakovec : "Zrinski", 2002.

Članci u časopisima:

  1. Ivezić, Marija: Nematode kao pokazatelji stanja agroekosustava. // Poljoprivreda. - 3 (1997), 2 ; str. 11-14

  2. Oštrec, Ljerka: Rezultati višegodišnjih pregleda tla na karantenske i ekonomski štetne nematode. // Glasnik zaštite bilja. - 16 (1993), 11/12 ; str. 317-320

  3. Ivezić, Marija: Nematološke zajednice kao indikatori promjena u agroekosustavu okopavina. // Poljoprivreda. - 4 (1998), 1 ; str. 37-43

EBSCO Host (pristup u GISKO ili putem Carnet Centra za online baze: Pristup Internetu za studente ):

  1. Wurst, Susanne; van Beersum, Sander; Wagenaar, Roel; Bakx-Schotman, Tanja; Drigo, Barbara; Janzik, Ingar; Lanoue, Arnaud; van der Putten, Wim H.: Plant defence against nematodes is not mediated by changes in the soil microbial community. // Functional Ecology, Jun2009, Vol. 23 Issue 3, p488-495

  2. MELAKEBERHAN, Haddish; KRAVCHENKO, Alexandra; DAHL, Jon; WARNCKE, Darryl.: Effects of soil types and Meloidogyne hapla on the multi-purpose uses of arugula (Eruca sativa). // Nematology, 2010, Vol. 12 Issue 1, p115-120

  3. Siddiqui, I. A.; Atkins, S. D.; Kerry, B. R.: Relationship between saprotrophic growth in soil of different biotypes of Pochonia chlamydosporia and the infection of nematode eggs. // Annals of Applied Biology, Aug2009, Vol. 155 Issue 1, p131-141

  4. Piśkiewicz, Anna M.; Duyts, Henk; van der Putten, Wim H.: Soil microorganisms in coastal foredunes control the ectoparasitic root-feeding nematode Tylenchorhynchus ventralis by local interactions. // Functional Ecology, Jun2009, Vol. 23 Issue 3, p621-626

  5. Piśkiewicz, Anna; Milliano, Maarten; Duyts, Henk; Putten, Wim.: Plant ectoparasitic nematodes prefer roots without their microbial enemies. // Plant & Soil, Mar2009, Vol. 316 Issue 1/2, p277-284

  6. Been, Thomas H.; Van Bekkum, Petra J.; Van Beers, Thea G.; Beniers, Annelies.: A scaled-up Seinhorst elutriator for extraction of cyst nematodes from soil. // Nematology, 2007, Vol. 9 Issue 3, p431-435

  7. Yeates, G; Dando, J; Shepherd, T.: Pressure plate studies to determine how moisture affects access of bacterial-feeding nematodes to food in soil. // European Journal of Soil Science, Sep2002, Vol. 53 Issue 3, p355-365

  8. Khan, Zakaullah; Kim, Young Ho.: A review on the role of predatory soil nematodes in the biological control of plant parasitic nematodes. // Applied Soil Ecology, Feb2007, Vol. 35 Issue 2, p370-379

  9. Somasekhar, Nethi; Grewal, Parwinder S.; De Nardo, Elizabeth A.B.; Stinner, Benjamin R.: Non-target effects of entomopathogenic nematodes on the soil nematode community. // Journal of Applied Ecology, Oct2002, Vol. 39 Issue 5, p735

  10. Hallmann, Johannes; Frankenberg, Andrea; Paffrath, Andreas; Schmidt, Harald.: Occurrence and importance of plant-parasitic nematodes in organic farming in Germany. // Nematology, 2007, Vol. 9 Issue 6, p869-879

Science Direct (pristup u GISKO ili putem Carnet Centra za online baze: Pristup Internetu za studente ):

  1. Ivana Sochová, Jakub Hofman, Ivan Holoubek: Using nematodes in soil ecotoxicology // Environment International, Volume 32, Issue 3, April 2006, Pages 374-383

  2. Ivana Sochová, Jakub Hofman, Ivan Holoubek: Effects of seven organic pollutants on soil nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. // Environment International, Volume 33, Issue 6, August 2007, Pages 798-804

  3. Brinkman, E. Pernilla; Troelstra, Sep R.; van der Putten, Wim H.: Soil feedback effects to the foredune grass Ammophila arenaria by endoparasitic root-feeding nematodes and whole soil communities. // Soil Biology & Biochemistry, Nov2005, Vol. 37 Issue 11, p2077-2087

  4. Nahar, M.S.; Grewal, P.S.; Miller, S.A.; Stinner, D.; Stinner, B.R.; Kleinhenz, M.D.; Wszelaki, A.; Doohan, D.: Differential effects of raw and composted manure on nematode community, and its indicative value for soil microbial, physical and chemical properties. // Applied Soil Ecology, Dec2006, Vol. 34 Issue 2/3, p140-151

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