Pitanje br. 16387
Naturalizam Johna Deweyja


  1. Barreau, Herve. Epistemologija. Zagreb : Naklada Jurčić, 2012. - sign.  165 /BAR/ e

  2. Dewey, John. Rekonstrukcija u filozofiji. Sarajevo : Buybook, 2004. - sign.  165 /DEW/ r

  3. Markusović, Arne. Naturalizam i apriorna spoznaja. Zagreb : Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo, 1988. - sign.  165 /MAR/ n

Članci u časopisima:

  1. Hickman, Larry A.. John Dewey’s Naturalism as a Model for Global Ethics. // Synthesis philosophica. - 25 (2010), 1 ; str. 9-18.

Izvori na internetu (03.12.2020.):

  1. Bernstein, Richard J. Dewey's Naturalism. // The Review of Metaphysics. - 13 (1959), 2; str. 340–353. URL:


  2. Kirby, Christopher C. Naturalism in the Philosophies of Dewey and Zhuangzi: The Live Creature and the Crooked Tree: Graduate Theses and Dissertations. Tampa, FL: Christopher C. Kirby, 2008. URL: https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/71948195.pdf

  3. Ozernov, Marina L. John Dewey's Cultural Naturalism: Culture in Terms of Language, Experience, and Continuity: dissertation. Dallas, TX: Marina L. Ozernov, 2010. URL: https://www.academia.edu/10434286/John_Deweys_Cultural_Naturalism_Culture_in_Terms_of_Language_Experience_and_Continuity

  4. Shook, John R. The Nature Philosophy Of John Dewey. // Dewey Studies. - 1 (2017), 1; str. 1-43. URL: http://www.johndeweysociety.org/dewey-studies/files/2016/04/3.pdf

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16 Logika. Epistemiologija. Teorija znanja. Metodologija logike

Epistemologija, Filozofija -- Osnove