Pitanje br. 16744
Lovac u žitu kao Bildungsroman


  1. Encyclopedia of American literature. Vol. 3 : The modern and postmodern period : from 1915 / Carl Rollyson. New York : Facts on File, cop. 2002. - sign.  820(73)(03)sv3 /ENC/ AC

  2. Slawenski, Kenneth. J. D. Salinger : a life. New York : Random House, cop. 2010. - sign.  820(73).09 /SLA/ j AC

  3. Salinger, Jerome David. The catcher in the rye. London : Penguin Books, 2010. - sign.  820(73)-3 /SAL/ c GG

  4. Baldwin, Stanley P. The catcher in the rye. New York : Wiley Publishing, cop. 2000. - sign.  820(73).09 /BAL/ c AC

  5. Alexander, Paul. Salinger : biografija. Zagreb : V.B.Z., 2009. - sign.  820(73).09 /ALE/ s

  6. Leksikon svjetske književnosti : pisci : [A-Ž].  Zagreb : Školska knjiga, 2005. - sign.  82(03) /LEK/

  7. Leksikon svjetske književnosti : djela. Zagreb : Školska knjiga, 2004. - sign. 82(03) /LEK/

  8. Flaker, Aleksandar. Proza u trapericama : prilog izgradnji modela prozne formacije na građi suvremenih književnosti srednjo- i istočnoevropske regije. Zagreb : Liber, 198https://is.gd/CMnQtU3. - sign.  82.09 /FLA/ p

Baze podataka (pristup u GISKO ili preko proxyja na E-izvori):

JSTOR (15.04.2021.):

  1. Bryan, James. The Psychological Structure of The Catcher in the Rye. // PMLA. - 89 (1974),  5 ; pp. 1065–1074.

  2. Zapf, Hubert. Logical Action in ‘The Catcher in the Rye. // College Literature. - 12 (1985), 3 ; pp. 266–271.

  3. Strauch, Carl F.; Salinger. Kings in the Back Row: Meaning through Structure. A Reading of Salinger's ‘The Catcher in the Rye. // Wisconsin Studies in Contemporary Literature. -  2 (1961), 1 ; pp. 5–30.

Google books:

  1. Golban, Petru. A History of the Bildungsroman: From Ancient Beginnings to Romanticism. URL: https://is.gd/VsfuPU

  2. Graham, Sarah. A History of the Bildungsroman. URL: https://is.gd/KaIPFH

Internetski izvori (15.04.2021.):

  1. Thamarana, Simhachalam. Origin and Development of Bildungsroman Novels in English Literature. // International Journal of English Language, Literature and Humanities. - 3 (2015), 6 ; pp. 21-26. URL: https://is.gd/p8qDDB

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