Pitanje br. 16765
George Orwell u povijesnom i političkom kontekstu 20. stoljeća


  1. Božić, Rafaela. Distopija i jezik : (distopijski roman kroz oko lingvostilistike). Zadar : Sveučilište, 2013. - sign.  82.01 /ŠEJ/ d

  2. Dujmović, Mauro. Okovi slobode. Žminj : Katedra Čakavskog sabora, 2005. - sign.  820.09 /DUJ/ o

  3. Lynskey, Dorian. Ministarstvo istine : biografija romana 1984. Georgea Orwella. Zagreb : Fokus komunikacije, 2020. - sign.  820.09 /LYN/ m

  4. Richards, Vernon. George Orwell kod kuće (i među anarhistima). Zagreb : DAF, 2016. – sign. 820.09 /RIC/ g

Članci u časopisima:

  1. Beker, Miroslav. The Ambivalence of George Orwell: a Note. // Studia Romanica et Anglica Zagrabiensia. - (1962), 13-14 ; str. 117-121.

  2. Dujmović, Mauro. Vrtlog novoga svijeta. // Društvena istraživanja. - 20 (2011), 2(112); str. 541-560.

  3. Pejić, Luka. George Orwell: 1984. // Essehist. - 1 (2009), 1; str. 74-75.

  4. Žic, I. George Orwell ili Književnost i totalitarizam. // Književna Rijeka. 11(2006), 2 ; str. 33-37.

Izvori na internetu (20.04.2021.):

  1. Albloly, Amir. The Political Symbolism in George Orwell Writings: With Reference to “Animal Farm” and “Nineteen Eighty Four”. // The International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Invention 6 (2019), 9; str. 5642-5648. URL: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/336986298_The_Political_Symbolism_in_George_Orwell_Writings_With_Reference_to_Animal_Farm_and_Nineteen_Eighty_Four

  2. Dwan, David. Orwell's Paradox: Equality In Animal Farm. // ELH. - 79 (2012), 3; str. 655-683. URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/23256770?seq=1#metadata_info_tab_contents

  3. Enteen, George M. George Orwell And The Theory Of Totalitarianism: A 1984 Retrospective. //

    The Journal of General Education. - 36 (1984), 3; str. 206-215. URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/27797000?seq=1#metadata_info_tab_contents

  4. Senn, Samantha. All Propaganda Is Dangerous, but Some Are More Dangerous than Others: George Orwell and the Use of Literature as Propaganda. // Journal of Strategic Security. - 8 (2015), 3; str. 149-161. URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/26465253?seq=1#metadata_info_tab_contents

  5. White, Richard. George Orwell: Socialism and Utopia. // Utopian Studies. - 19 (2008), 1; str. 73-95. URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/20719892?seq=1#metadata_info_tab_contents

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Engleska književnost

Orwell, George