Pitanje br. 16894
Trgovina robovima od 14. do 18. stoljeća


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  2. Berlin, Ira. Generations of captivity : a history of African-American slaves. Cambridge ; London : The Belknap Press of Harward University Press, 2003. - sign. 316.6 /BER/ g  AC

  3. Berlin, Ira. Many thousands gone : the first two centuries of slavery in North America. Cambridge ; London : The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1998. - sign. 316.6 /BER/ m  AC

  4. Buergenthal, Thomas. Međunarodna ljudska prava : u sažetom obliku. Rijeka : Pravni fakultet, 2011. - sign. 342.7 /BUE/ m

  5. Davidson, Basil. Afrika u povijesti : teme i osnove razvoja. Zagreb : Globus, 1984. - sign.  960 /DAV/ a

  6. Sellers, Charles. Povijest Sjedinjenih Američkih Država. Zagreb : Barbat, 1996. - sign. 973 /SEL/ p

  7. Waldstreicher, David. The struggle against slavery : a history in documents. Oxford : University Press, 2001. - sign. 316.6 /WAL/ s  AC

Članci u časopisima:

  1. Perinčić, Tea. Prodaja roblja na Jadranu u 17. stoljeću. // Miscellanea Hadriatica et Mediterranea. - 1 (2013); str. 109-120.

  2. Stošić, Krsto. Turski robovi iz XVII. vijeka u Šibeniku. // Bogoslovska smotra. - 24 (1936), 1; str. 87-101.

Izvori na internetu (24.05.2021.):

  1. DeCorse, Christopher R. West African Archaeology and the Atlantic Slave Trade. // Surface. - (1991), 9

  2. Elbl, Ivana. The Volume of the Early Atlantic Slave Trade, 1450-1521. // The Journal of African History. - 38 (1997), 1; str. 31-75. URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/182945?seq=1#metadata_info_tab_contents

  3. Fage, J. D. African Societies and the Atlantic Slave Trade. // The Past and Present Society. - (1989), 125 ; str. 97-115

  4. Geggus, David. The French Slave Trade: An Overview. // The William and Mary Quarterly. - 58 (2001), 1; str. 119-138. URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/2674421?seq=1#metadata_info_tab_contents

  5. Lovejoy, Paul E. The Volume of the Atlantic Slave Trade: A Synthesis. // The Journal of African History. - 23 (1982), 4; str. 473-501. URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/182037?seq=1#metadata_info_tab_contents

  6. Muhammad Esq, Patricia M. The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade : a Forgotten Crime Against Humanity as Defined by International Law. // American University International Law Review. - 19 (2003), 3 ; str. 883-947

  7. Oladipo Ojo, Emmanuel. The Atlantic slave trade and colonialism : reasons for Africa's underevelepoment? // European Scientific Journal. - 11 (2015), 17 ; 107-130

  8. Stabler, Scot L. Atlantic Slavery : Lost in Trans-lation. // Ajote : African Journal of Teacher Education. - 3 (2013), 2

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