Pitanje br. 17157
Uloga farmaceuta u pravilnoj primjeni inhalera


  1. Farmakoterapijski priručnik / glavni urednik Igor Francetić i suradnici. Zagreb : Medicinska naklada, 2015. - sign.  615 /FAR/

  2. Klinička farmacija i terapija / urednici Roger Walker i Clive Edwards. Zagreb : Školska knjiga, 2004. - sign.  615(075.8) /KLI/

  3. Ljekarnička praksa : ljekarnička djelatnost, lijekovi i rukovanje lijekovima / urednik Vladimir Grdinić. Zagreb : Hrvatska ljekarnička komora, 2010. - sign.  615 /LJEK/  OP

  4. Osnove kliničke farmakologije / urednici Igor Francetić, Dinko Vitezić. Zagreb : Medicinska naklada, 2007. - sign.  615(075.8) /OSN/

  5. Ostojić Kolonić, Slobodanka. Farmakologija. Zagreb : Zdravstveno veleučilište, 2012. - sign.  615(075.8) /OST/ f  OP

Izvori na internetu (19.11.2021.):

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  3. Hämmerlein, Andrea. Pharmacist‐led intervention study to improve inhalation technique in asthma and COPD patients. // Journal of evaluation in clinical practice. - 17 (2011), 1; str. 61-70. URL: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1111/j.1365-2753.2010.01369.x

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  8. Petite, Sarah E. The role of the pharmacist in inhaler selection and education in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. // Journal of Pharmacy Technology. - 37 (2021), 2; str. 95-106. URL: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7953076/

  9. Savić, Snežana. Pharmaceutical-technological aspects of drugs in inhalation therapy of asthma in children population. // Arhiv za farmaciju. - 55 (2005), 4; str. 389-409. URL: https://farfar.pharmacy.bg.ac.rs/bitstream/handle/123456789/607/605.pdf?sequence=1

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  11. Vasiljević, Dragana. Pharmaceutical-technological characteristics of modern inhalation drugs in pulmonary disease therapy. // Arhiv za farmaciju. - 61 (2011), 2; str. 226-247. URL: https://farfar.pharmacy.bg.ac.rs/bitstream/handle/123456789/1617/1615.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y

  12. Vezmar-Kovačević, Sandra. Pharmaceutical care in the treatment of asthma. // Arhiv za farmaciju. - 61 (2011), 2; str. 214-225. URL: https://farfar.pharmacy.bg.ac.rs/bitstream/handle/123456789/1616/1614.pdf?sequence=1

UDK pojmovi: 
615 Farmakologija. Terapeutika. Toksikologija
