Pitanje br. 17225
FP (Framework programmes for Research and Technological Development) i ERA (European Research Area)


  1. Cetinski, Vinka. Projektni menadžment. Opatija : Fakultet za menadžment u turizmu i ugostiteljstvu, 2013. - sign.  65.01(075.8) /CET/ p

  2. Heerkens, Gary R. Upravljanje projektom : savladajte cjelokupni proces planiranja, izgradite jake timove i realistične rasporede, naučite mjeriti rizik, uspjeh i neuspjeh. Zagreb : Mate, 2020. - sign.  65.01 /HEE/ u

  3. Omazić, Mislav Ante. Projektni menadžment. Zagreb : Sinergija nakladništvo, 2005. - sign.  65.01(075.8) /OMA/ p

Članci u časopisima:

  1. Mataković, Hrvoje. Croatia’s participation in the Seventh Framework Programme: a Moderate Success?. // Business Systems Research. - 4 (2013), 2; str. 126-143.

Izvori na internetu (29.12.2021.):

  1. Evaluation Of The Sixth Framework Programmes For Research And Technological Development. 2009. URL: http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=

  2. Breschi, Stefano. Unveiling the texture of a European Research Area: emergence of oligarchic networks under EU Framework Programmes. // International journal of technology management. - 27 (2004), 8; str. 747-772. URL: https://ftp.zew.de/pub/zew-docs/evaluationR%26D/LCusmano.pdf

  3. Defazio, Daniela. Funding incentives, collaborative dynamics and scientific productivity: Evidence from the EU framework program. // Research policy. - 38 (2009), 2; str. 293-305. URL: https://www.academia.edu/download/50097311/j.respol.2008.11.00820161104-19881-gh1bfv.pdf

  4. Georghiou, Luke. Assessing the framework programmes: A Meta-evaluation. // Evaluation. - 1 (1995), 2; str. 171-188. URL: http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=

  5. Heller-Schuh, Barbara. Analysis of Networks in European Framework Programmes (1984-2006). // No. JRC63467. Joint Research Centre (Seville site), 2011. URL: https://ideas.repec.org/p/ipt/iptwpa/jrc63467.html#download

  6. Luukkonen, Terttu. The difficulties in assessing the impact of EU framework programmes. // Research Policy. - 27 (1998), 6; str. 599-610. URL: https://www.academia.edu/download/50812258/DifficultiesRP.pdf

  7. Ormala, Erkki. Five-year assessment of the European Union Research Framework Programmes 1999-2003. 2004. URL: http://repository.fteval.at/248/1/2004_Five%20year%20Assessment%20of%20the%20European%20Union%20Research%20Framework%20Programmes%201999-2003.pdf

  8. Rodríguez, Hannot. Integrating science and society in European Framework Programmes: Trends in project-level solicitations. // Research Policy. - 42 (2013); 5; str. 1126-1137. URL: https://www.academia.edu/download/31048650/Rodriguezetal_EUintegration_RP2012.pdf

  9. Scherngell, Thomas. Integration in the European Research Area by means of the European Framework Programmes. Findings from Eigenvector filtered spatial interaction models. 2011. URL: https://www.econstor.eu/bitstream/10419/119980/1/ERSA2011_0304.pdf

  10. Uhlbach, Wolf-Hendrik. R&D policy and technological trajectories of regions: evidence from the EU framework programmes. // SSRN. - 3027919 (2017). URL: http://econ.geo.uu.nl/peeg/peeg1722.pdf

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65 Poslovanje i organizacija

Projekti -- Menadžment