Pitanje br. 17294
Sapir-Whorf hipoteza


  1. Eco, Umberto. U potrazi za savršenim jezikom. Zagreb : Hena com, 2004. - sign.  130.2 /ECO/ u

  2. Sapir, Edward. Jezik : uvod u istraživanje govora. Zagreb : Institut za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje, 2013. - sign.  801 /SAP/ j

  3. Whorf, Benjamin Lee. Jezik, misao i stvarnost. Beograd : Beogradsko izdavački-grafički zavod, 1979. - sign.  800 /WHO/ j

Izvori na internetu (07.02.2022.):

  1. Botha, Yolande Vanessa. Implications of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis for literary translation. Diss. 2000. URL: https://repository.nwu.ac.za/bitstream/handle/10394/17697/Botha_YV_Chapter%203-4%20%26%20Bibliography.pdf?sequence=2

  2. Hussein, Basel Al-Sheikh. The sapir-whorf hypothesis today. // Theory and Practice in Language Studies. - 2 (2012), 3; str. 642-646. URL: http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=

  3. Hyde, G. M. The Whorf-Sapir Hypothesis and the translation muddle. // Translation and Literature. - 2 (1993), 2; str. 3-16. URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/pdf/40339646.pdf

  4. Kay, Paul. What is the Sapir‐Whorf hypothesis?. // American anthropologist. - 86 (1984), 1; str. 65-79. URL: https://anthrosource.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1525/aa.1984.86.1.02a00050

  5. Perlovsky, Leonid. Language and emotions: emotional Sapir–Whorf hypothesis. // Neural Networks. - 22 (2009), 5-6; str. 518-526. URL: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Leonid-Perlovsky/publication/220361358_Language_and_emotions_Emotional_Sapir-Whorf_hypothesis/links/0fcfd50aed9d7336df000000/Language-and-emotions-Emotional-Sapir-Whorf-hypothesis.pdf

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80 Jezikoslovlje

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