Pitanje br. 17412
Millbank - prvi moderni britanski zatvor (1816. - 1890.)


  1. Roth, M. P. Oko za oko : globalna povijest zločina i kazne. Zagreb : TIM press, 2016. - sign.  343 /ROT/ o

  2. Foucault, M. Nadzor i kazna : rađanje zatvora. Zagreb : Informator : Fakultet političkih znanosti, 1994. - sign. 343.8 /FOU/ n OP

Baze podataka: (pristup u GISKO ili putem NSK Portala elektroničkih izvora)

JSTOR (23.03.2022.):

  1. Cooper, R. A. Ideas and Their Execution: English Prison Reform. // Eighteenth-Century Studies. - 10 (1976), 1 ; pp. 73-93.

  2. Teagarden, E. A Victorian Prison Experiment. // Journal of Social History. - 2 (1969), 4 ; pp. 357-365.

  3. Griffiths, A. The English Prison System. // The North American Review. - 167(1898), 500 ; pp. 64-78.

Oxford Academic (23.03.2022.):

  1. Shoemaker, R. Understanding the Criminal: Record-Keeping, Statistics and the Early History of Criminology in England. // The British Journal of Criminology. - 57(2017), 6 ; Pages 1442–1461.

Google Books (23.03.2022.):

  1. Griffiths, A. The History and Romance of Crime: Millbank Penitentiary. Library of Alexandria, 2015.

  2. Griffiths, A. Memorials of Millbank, and Chapters in Prison History. H.S. King & Company, 1875.

Internetski izvori (24.03.2022.):

  1. London’s forgotten Millbank prison. // Past in the Present: Travelling the world, discovering the past. URL: https://pastinthepresent.net/

  2. Alker, Z. Imprisonment. // Digital panopticon. URL:https://www.digitalpanopticon.org/

  3. Josipović, Igor. Funkcioniranje zatvorskog sustava u drugoj polovici 19. stoljeća: doktorska disertacija, Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Fakultet hrvatskih studija, 2018. https://urn.nsk.hr/urn:nbn:hr:111:537860

  4. Čičin, Helena. Pojam kazne kod Foucaulta: završni rad, Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku, Filozofski fakultet, 2012. https://urn.nsk.hr/urn:nbn:hr:142:716401



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