Pitanje br. 18199
Nezavršeni poslovi - fiksirani geštalt


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  5. Perls, Fritz. Geštaltistički pristup psihoterapiji.  Beograd : "Vuk Karadžić", 1983. - sign. 616.8 /PER/ g


  1. Čanić, Sandra. Primjena principa geštalt terapije u coachingu. // Klinička psihologija. - 6 (2013), 1-2 ; str. 113-123

  2. Radionov, Tanja. Osnove gestalt terapijskog pristupa. // Socijalna psihijatrija. - 35 (2007), 1 ; str. 21-28


  1. Manickam, Leister; Dubey, B. PTSD and 'Unfinished Business': Can SIS images lead to Re-experiencing and Gestalt Closure? // SIS J. Proj. Psy. & Ment. Health. - 28 (2021) ; str. 58-62. URL: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/347752290_PTSD_and_%27Unfinished_Business%27_Can_SIS_images_lead_to_Re-experiencing_and_Gestalt_Closure

  2. Brajković, Mirjana. Integrativni pristup – geštalt psihoterapija i psihofarmakoterapija. // Zbornik radova 2. kongres psihologa Bosne i Hercegovine sa međunarodnim učešćem / urednici Jadranka Kolenović-Đapo... [et al.]. Banja Luka: Društvo psihologa Republike Spske 2012 ; str. 113-124. URL: https://dprs.rs.ba/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Zbornik_radova_II_Kongresa_psihologa_BiH.pdf#page=114

  3. Wagner-Moore, Laura E. Gestalt Therapy: Past, Present, Theory, and Research. // Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training. - 41 (2004), 2 ; str. 180-189. URL: https://www.counseling.org/docs/david-kaplan's-files/wagner-moore.pdf

  4. Wulf, Rosemarie. The historical roots of Gestalt therapy theory. // Gestalt Dialogue: Newsletter for the Integrative Gestalt Centre. - (1996). URL: https://www.a2gestalt.com/uploads/9/0/7/4/90745717/the_historical_roots_of_gestalt_therapy_theory_wulf.pdf

  5. Jacobs, Lynne. Insights from psychoanalytic self psychology and intersubjectivity theory for Gestalt therapists. // Gestalt Journal. - 15 (1992), 2 ; str. 1-24. URL: https://www.academia.edu/download/48393691/Insights_from_Self_Psychology_for_Gestalt_Therapists.pdf

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Gestalt psihologija