Pitanje br. 18356
Postupci standardizacije kompozitnih materijala


  1. Golubić, Stjepan. Tehnički materijali. Sv. 1 : Metalni materijali. Bjelovar : Veleučilište u Bjelovaru, 2019. - sign. 620(075.8)sv1 /GOL/ t OP

  2. Sonički, Nikola. Tehnički materijali. Karlovac : Veleučilište, 2013. - sign. 620(075.8) /SON/ t OP

  3. Tomac, Nikola. Tehnički materijali i obrada. Rijeka : Pomorski fakultet, 2011. - sign. 620(075.8) /TOM/ t

  4. Katavić, Ivo. Uvod u materijale. Rijeka : Fintrade & Tours d.o.o. : Tehnički fakultet, 2008. - sign. 620(075.8) /KAT/ u OP

  5. Filetin, Tomislav. Svojstva i primjena materijala : čelici i željezni ljevovi, laki i obojeni metali, konstrukcijska keramika, polimerni materijali, kompozitni materijali i drvo. Zagreb : Fakultet strojarstva i brodogradnje, 2007. - sign. 620(075.8) /FIL/ s OP

  6. Kunej, Walter. Poliesterski kompoziti. Zagreb : Metalmineral, 2006. - sign. 678 /KUN/ p OP


  1. J. Bednarz, Lukasz...[et al.]. Analitički model ponašanja zidane konstrukcije ojačane kompozitnim materijalima. // e-Zbornik, elektronički zbornik radova Građevinskog fakulteta. - 11 (2021), 21 ; str. 17-27

  2. Šundrica, Jadran. Kompozitni materijali. // Naše more. - 37 (1990), 1-2 ; str. 79-81


  1. Ailenei, Eugen Constantin... [et al.]. New waste-based composite material for construction applications. // Materials. - 14 (2021), 20 ; str. 1-14. URL: https://www.mdpi.com/1996-1944/14/20/6079/pdf

  2. Dhummansure, Vishalkumar... [et al.]. Optimization of process parameters for fracture toughness of al6061-Graphite composites. // Integritet i vek konstrukcija. - 20 (2020), 1 ; str. 51–55. URL: http://divk.inovacionicentar.rs/ivk/ivk20/051-IVK1-2020-VD-AAK-SD.pdf

  3. Saba, N... [et al.]. An overview of mechanical and physical testing of composite materials. // Mechanical and physical testing of biocomposites, fibre-reinforced composites and hybrid composites. Woodhead Publishing Series in Composites Science and Engineering 2019 ; str. 1-12. URL: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Md-Washim-Akram-2/post/How-we-can-use-hardness-test-of-composite-material-in-ANSYS-program/attachment/5c2d8da43843b006754e3f95/AS%3A710841599004672%401546489252673/download/saba2019.pdf

  4. Torres, F. G... [et al.]. Green composite materials from biopolymers reinforced with agroforestry waste. // Journal of Polymers and the Environment. - 27 (2019) ; str. 2651-2673. URL: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10924-019-01561-5

  5. Kuzina, Ekaterina... [et al.]. Technical aspects of using composite materials for strengthening constructions. // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. IOP Publishing, 2018. URL: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1757-899X/365/3/032053/pdf

  6. Seghiri, Mehdi... [et al.]. The possibility of making a composite material from waste plastic. // Energy Procedia. - 119 (2017) ; str. 163-169. URL: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1876610217326073/pdf?md5=0d6d9a684d25a68f47d66d49ef9a2311&pid=1-s2.0-S1876610217326073-main.pdf

  7. Shillings, Christopher... [et al.]. Experimental and computational investigation of the blast response of Carbon-Epoxy weathered composite materials. // Composites Part B: Engineering. - 129 (2017) ; str. 107-116. URL: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1359836817302135

  8. Nguyen, Q... [et al.]. Composite materials for next generation building facade systems. // Civil Engineering and Architecture. - 1 (2013), 3 ; str. 88-95. URL: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Phuong-Tran-228/publication/300377041_Innovative_materials_for_next_generation_facade_systems/links/6030973a299bf1cc26d98f9d/Innovative-materials-for-next-generation-facade-systems.pdf

  9. Taurino, Rosa... [et al.]. New composite materials based on glass waste. // Composites Part B: Engineering. - 45 (2013), 1 ; str. 497-503. URL: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1359836812005471

  10. George, Andrew. Optimization of resin infusion processing for composite materials: simulation and characterization strategies: phd thesis. Stuttgart: Institute of Aircraft Design; University of Stuttgart, 2011. URL: https://elib.uni-stuttgart.de/bitstream/11682/3874/1/GEORGE_PRINT.pdf

  11. Motavalli, M... [et al.]. Fibre reinforced polymer composite materials for building and construction. // Textiles, polymers and composites for buildings. Woodhead Publishing, 2010 ; str. 69-128. URL: http://ndl.ethernet.edu.et/bitstream/123456789/8662/1/17.pdf#page=91

  12. Cultrone, Giuseppe; Sebastian, Eduardo. Laboratory simulation showing the influence of salt efflorescence on the weathering of composite building materials. // Environmental geology. - 56 (2008) ; str. 729-740. URL: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00254-008-1332-y

  13. Jayaraman, Krishnan; Bhattacharyya, Debes. Mechanical performance of woodfibre–waste plastic composite materials. // Resources, Conservation and Recycling. - 41 (2004), 4 ; str. 307-319. URL: https://www.academia.edu/download/68971110/j.resconrec.2003.12.00120210831-14050-yfgnlc.pdf

  14. Maksimović, Stevan; Maksimović, Katarina. Optimizacija kompozitnih struktura sa aspekta minimalne mase i zadovoljenje kriterijuma gubitka stabilnosti. // Tehnička dijagnostika. - 3 (2004), 2 ; str. 42-46. URL: http://scindeks-clanci.ceon.rs/data/pdf/1451-1975/2004/1451-19750402042M.pdf

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