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Utjecaj hip-hop glazbe na razvitak američkog društva i kulture


  1. Ilustrirana enciklopedija glazbe : [rock, pop, jazz, blues, hip hop, klasična glazba, folk, world music...] / urednik Paul Du Noyer. Zagreb : Veble commerce, 2005. - sign. 78(03) /ILU/

  2. Chang, Jeff. Ne može da stane, neće da stane : [jedna] istorija Hip-hop generacije. Beograd : Red Box, 2009. - sign. 78.03 /CHA/ n

  3. Grgić, Velimir. Ritam & rima : [priče o urbanoj glazbi]. Zagreb : AGM, 2004. - sign. 78.03 /GRG/ r

  4. All music guide to hip-hop : the definitive guide to rap & hip-hop / edited by Vladimir Bogdanov...[et al.]. San Francisco : AMG [i.e.] All Media Guide : Backbeat Books, cop. 2003. - sign. 78.03(035) /ALL/

  5. Bowling, beatniks, and bell-bottoms : pop culture of 20th-century America / Sara Pendergast and Tom Pendergast, editors. 5 sv. Detroit [etc.] : U.X.L : Thomson Gale, cop. 2002. - sign. 930.85 /BOW AC

  6. Susman, Warren I. Kultura kao istorija : preobražaj američkog društva u XX veku. Beograd : Rad, 1987. - sign. 930.85 /SUS/ k


  1. Bukač, Zlatko. Konstruiranje hipermuškosti putem tijela u crnačkoj popularnoj kulturi: vizualna analiza naslovnica rap albuma. // Sic. - 1 (2010), 1 ; str. 0-0

  2. Katarinčić, Ivana. That's the joint!, The Hip-Hop Studies Reader, ed. Murray Forman, Mark Anthony Neal, Routledge, New York, London 2004., 628 str. // Narodna umjetnost. - 42 (2005), 2 ; str. 201-203


  1. Anyiwo, Nkemka... [et al.]. "They Can’t Take Away the Light": Hip-Hop Culture and Black Youth’s Racial Resistance. // Youth & Society. - 54 (2022), 4 ; str. 611-634. URL: https://doi.org/10.1177/0044118X211001096

  2. Questlove. When the People Cheer: How Hip-Hop Failed Black America. // Vulture, 2014. URL: http://www.vulture.com/2014/04/questlove-on-how-hip-hop-failed-black-america.html

  3. Persaud, E. Jerry. The Signature of Hip Hop: A Sociological Perspective. // International Journal of Criminology and Sociological Theory. - 4 (2011), 1 ; str. 626-647. URL: https://ijcst.journals.yorku.ca/index.php/ijcst/article/view/32157

  4. Goffman, Ethan. From the Blues to Hip Hop: How African American Music Changed U.S. Culture and Moved the World. // Discovery Guides, 2010. URL: https://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/document?repid=rep1&type=pdf&doi=b674bbf3dac52dad1836bc7d7b8abe7ec2316268

  5. That's the joint! : the hip-hop studies reader [e-knjiga] / edited by Mark Anthony Neal and Murray Forman. New York: Routledge, 2004. URL: https://bpb-us-e1.wpmucdn.com/sites.psu.edu/dist/f/5180/files/2014/10/FormanNeal-Thats_the_Joint_The_Hip_Hop_Studies_Readerbook.pdf#page=78

  6. Blanchard, Becky. The Social Significance of Rap & Hip-Hop Culture. // EDGE, 1999. URL: http://hiphoparchive.org/sites/default/files/the_social_significance_of_rap_hip_hop_culture.pdf

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316.7 Sociologija kulture

Hip hop, SAD -- Kulturna povijest