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Strateški razvoj poslovanja marketinških agencija u Republici Hrvatskoj: pregled trendova i perspektiva


  1. Što čini Hrvatsku (ne)poduzetničkom zemljom? : GEM Hrvatska 2022 / autori Slavica Singer... [et al.]. Zagreb : CEPOR - Centar za politiku razvoja malih i srednjih poduzeća i poduzetništva, 2023. - sign. 65.01 /ŠTO/ OP

  2. Dobrinić, Damir. Marketing - od papirusa do chatbota. Varaždin : Fakultet organizacije i informatike, 2023. - 339.1(075.8) /DOB/ m OP

  3. Bolfek, Berislav. Suvremeni trendovi u poduzetništvu. Zadar : Sveučilište, 2022. - sign. 658(075.8) /BOL/ s OP

  4. Osnove marketinga / Tihomir Vranešević... [et al.]. Zagreb : Ekonomski fakultet, 2021. - sign. 339.1(075.8) /OSN/ OP

  5. Ribić, Damir. Osnove poduzetništva. Zagreb : Školska knjiga, 2020. - sign. 658(075.8) /RIB/ o

  6. Krajnović, Aleksandra. Digitalni marketing : nova era tržišne komunikacije. Zadar : Sveučilište, 2019. - sign. 658 /KRA/ d

  7. Renko, Nataša. Marketing malih i srednjih poduzeća : marketinški savjetnik za poduzetnike i menadžere. Zagreb : Školska knjiga, 2016. - sign. 334.7(075.8) /REN/ m

  8. Grbac, Bruno. B2B marketing. Rijeka : Ekonomski fakultet, 2013. - sign. 339.1(075.8) /GRB/ b


  1. Drašković, Nikola... [et al.]. Born global in the digital age : Exploring the internationalisation strategies of Croatian digital marketing agencies. // Management. - 29 (2024), 1 ; str. 97-111

  2. Habjan, Andreja. How a Perceived Utilisation of IT-enabled Information shapes Customer Satisfaction in B2B Markets. // Business Systems Research. - 14 (2023), 2 ; str. 81-101

  3. Justavino-Castillo… [et al.]. How to increase company loyalty: using relational variables and sustainable practices to segment the maritime transport sector. // Ekonomska istraživanja. - 36 (2023), 2 ; str. 1-24

  4. Abrus, Luka. FIVE , an Endeva company. // Engineering Power. - 17 (2022), 2 ; str. 5-7

  5. Buneta, Anđelka; Stanković Obrč, Ines. Primjena outsourcinga u poslovanju top 5 start-up poduzeća u RH. // Acta Economica Et Turistica. - 7 (2021), 1 ; str. 81-107

  6. Sinčić Ćorić, Dubravka. Održivi marketing na tržištima poslovne (B2B) potrošnje. // International Journal of Multidisciplinarity in Business and Science. - 7 (2021), 11 ; str. 27-35

  7. Paliaga, Marko; Oliva, Ernes. Istraživanje trendova u izgradnji marke regija u Hrvatskoj. // CroDiM. - 4 (2021), 1 ; str. 233-244

  8. Odeljan, Petra; Gregurec, Iva. What challenges in Internet marketing communication are recognized by Croatian marketing agencies?. // International journal of multidisciplinarity in business and science. - 6 (2020), 9 ; str. 31-40

  9. Pihir, Igor... [et al.]. Digitalna transformacija marketinga u malim i srednjim poduzećima – pregled postojećih istraživanja. // CroDiM. - 2 (2019), 1 ; str. 125-134

  10. Gáti, Mirkó... [et al.]. Investigating the impact of salespersons’ use of technology and social media on their customer relationship performance in B2B settings. // Market = Tržište. - 30 (2018), 2 ; str. 166-176

  11. Bohanec, Marko... [et al.]. Estimation of minimum sample size for identification of the most important features: a case study providing a qualitative B2B sales data set. // Croatian Operational Research Review. - 8 (2017), 2 ; str. 515-524

  12. Choe, Jong-min. The Classification of Types of Business-to-Business Electronic Commerce: A Framework Construction. // Journal of Information and Organizational Sciences. - 41 (2017), 1 ; str. 1-20

  13. Pepur, Mario... [et al.]. Analysis of the effect of perceived service quality to the relationship quality on the business-to-business market. // Management. - 18 (2013), 2 ; str. 97-109

  14. Hasenauer, Rainer... [et al.]. The marketing of high-tech innovation: research and teaching as a multidisciplinary communication task. // International journal of multidisciplinarity in business and science. - 1 (2013), 1 ; str. 43-51

  15. Jerman, Damjana; Završnik, Bruno. Model of marketing communications effectiveness in the business-to-business markets. // Ekonomska istraživanja. - (2012), Spec. Iss. 1 ; str. 364-388

  16. Završnik, Bruno; Jerman, Damjana. The importance of logistics service quality in a business-to-business market // Management. - 11 (2006), 1 ; str. 1-16


  1. Marketing. // Hrvatska enciklopedija, mrežno izdanje. Leksikografski zavod Miroslav Krleža, 2024. URL: https://www.enciklopedija.hr/clanak/marketing

  2. European Commission, Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs. Businesses' attitudes towards corruption in the EU – Summary. Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2022. URL: https://data.europa.eu/doi/10.2837/019748

  3. Vihler, Matea. Digitalni marketing : kompletan vodič za početnike. // Gotraffic, 2020. URL: https://gotraffic.hr/blog/digitalni-marketing/

  4. Biemans, Wim G. ... [et al.]. Marketing–sales interface configurations in B2B firms. // Industrial Marketing Management. - 39 (2010), 2 ; str. 183-194. URL: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.indmarman.2008.12.012

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658 Poslovno upravljanje (menadžment)

Strateški menadžment , Marketing -- Razvoj